Baptism of fire

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Yang drove forward and crashed into a gallajorn mobile worker.

"What the hell!?" The pilot shouted

Yang shot its legs off making it fall to its side on its side and used it as cover. Winter dropped more mortar rounds down on the infantry making impossible to advanced.

Orga was still giving orders while ontop his command mobile worker.

"We won't last much longer where is 2nd corp?" Eugene asked

"Looks like we have to switch plan B, Mika you know what to do"  orga said to Mika

Mika pulled back from the fight and went on the service elevator down to the hanger. Before going down he pressed a detonator, 2nd corps mobile workers filled with the adults and valuables fired bright red flares.

Gallajorn forces turned there attention to the flares.

"Perfect timing" orga said

Winter ran out of ammo, a younger kid holding a rifle saw some soliders charging forward.

"Here they come mostly infantry" He shouted

"They are splitting there forces, holding them back till Mika arrives" Orga said

The gallajorn forces charged between the mobile workers.

"We can't get them, we are to close to each other" Eugene said

Winter got up taking the rifle from the kid and pulling out her own side arm rushing forward she stood ontop of a destroyed mobile worker, duel weilding a rifle and pistol she started to fire.

She fired in burst and deadly accuracy, every gallojorn solider that stood up was shot. Everyone watched her take down soliders one by one.

"Woah....she's so hott" Eugene said

The enemy soliders began to pullback but so did the mobile workers.

"Somethings not right..." orga said

Winter noticed it to dropping the guns she ran back to orga, but before she cold a nearby CGS mobile worker exploded and sent Winter flying to the left.

"Thats not artillery!" Eugene shouted

"Mobile suits" Orga said

3 Graze unites appeared.

"Someone get Winter, all units focused fire on the middle one, we have to hold them back till Mika gets back" Orga said

His command mobile worker moved around as the lead Graze unit fired at the defense line.


Weiss watched the ones in the hanger scramble to put last minute repairs. Ruby was in the zaku 2 rebooting as the old man finished installing the system into it.

"How can I help?" Weiss asked walking up the catwalk to the cockpit of the zaku.

Ruby took off her jacket and shirt, Weiss blushed as ruby handed her the removed clothing.

"Here hold on to this for me" Ruby said

"Why why are you in just your bra?" Weiss asked

"Its easy access to the system on my back" Ruby said showing her

Weiss gasped

"Y-you mean you actually-" Weiss was cut off

"Mikazuki just in time quixk let's get that system in the barabatos" Nadi said

The quickly got to work,

Nadi looked up,

"You there Weiss help ruby connect to the mobile suit if anything goes wrong ket me know" He said

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