After Battle

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It was day light, cgs was around cleaning the battlefeild and picking up the dead. Ruby and Mika were in medical ward, the stress of the system had temporarily made them unconscious.

Orga daw all the body bags and he closed his eyes. Yang was next to him and held his hand, he gripped her hand tight. She comfort him.

Weiss came up and saw the destruction and carnage, she covered her mouth seeing two kids carry a body bag. She looked and saw Winter

Winter was sitting on a stretcher, Eugene trying to put a bandage on her head, which had a small bleeding cut on her eyebrow.

"I said I'm fine, use the medical supplies on the ones who need it" Winter said

"Okay whatever I'm just trying to help" Eugene said getting up and walking away.

Weiss ran to her side.

"Oh my god sister ,Are you okay? What happened?" Weiss asked almost panicking

"Calm down Weiss I'm fine" Winter said

She got up and Weiss helped her, winter had a visible limp to her walk.
Winter saw Orga and she stopped

Orga and Yang walked to Winter, she noticed and stopped.

"Hapoy to your okay, you held your own out there, you have my respect" Orga said

"I should be telling you that, I trust you with my sister, you and your group are hired" Winter said holding out her hand

Orga and Winter shook hands, orga smiled but it dropped.

"We got a problem tho" Orga said

The adults returned and started barking orders.

"Dont worry we have a plan, get to medical and get patched up" Orga said

Winter nodded and went inside the base.

Orga looked at yang

"Its time" he said

Hour later.....

Mika and Ruby were slowly starting to wake up, they grunted in pain as the system had out a stress in there bodies.

"Hey you alive?" Mika asked still laying down

"Yeah, you know what they say, your not alive unless your almost dying" Ruby said sitting up, still in her bra and pants.

"Thats true" Mika said sitting up as well.

They stretched relaxing there muscles, the door opened amd in came Yang and Orga.

"Morning sleeping beauty, you feeling fine or what?" Yang said smiling seeing her sister awake

Yang hugged her.

"Im feeling okay, I will be able to pilot in no time" Ruby said getting up putting on her jacket, Mika doing the same

"Before we do that we got something to take care of" Orga said

"The plan?" Mika asked

"Yes, 3 Corps should be waking up any minute now" Orga said handing Ruby and Mika pistols

In the barracks the adults of 3rd Corps started to wake up, splitting head ache.

"Those little brats spiked our food!" Haeda shouted as he realized his hands were tied

They all looked as the door opened, ruby, Mika, yang and Orga walked in, just then another walked in a chubby boy named biscuit.

"Listen up, we are running the CGS now, so you can either leave here and never come back or your more then welcomed to stay" Orga said

None of them took him serious, haeda got angry got up charged the group

"You little...." he was stopped a bullet to the head made him fall flat on the floor

Ruby shot his body twice to make sure

"Dead or alive makes no difference to me" orga said

Finally they were all shaking.

"Excuse me orga I would like to leave" A man with short hair and glasses said nervously

"Your that accountant right, sorry but we need you for something, fully paid of course" Biscuit said

The others all got up and started to leave, another guy decided to stay a skinny man with a beer gut. Now with the CGS in Orgas control he starts to reshape the whole thing.

Freeing whoever was a slave, including his friend akihiro. Ruby decided to change the color of her zaku 2, she had her friend turn it red. The old man added more thrusters to the zaku 2 making it faster and putting a command antenna for better communications.

Ruby saw the end product and smiled.

"What are you gonna name her? It's bad luck not to name a mobile suit" the old man said

Ruby throught for a moment looking up she saw one of Mars moon, it was in a Cresent shape she smiled.

"Cresent Rose" she said

Meanwhile in the orbital platform above Mars...

Crank was talking to his superior who was angry at the fact that 5 Graze units and hundreds of mobile workers were destroyed.

"Sir you have to understand we were fighting children" Crank said

"I don't care if you were fighting Jesus christ himself, get back down there amd finish the job end of story" his boss said turning off the connection

Crank walked out to the hall seeing ein in bandages,

"What are you doing here? You should be in medical" Crank asked

"No sir I'm ready to fight, what are our new orders" Ein said standing up right

"You are ready to fight children, you wamt revenge is that it, clear you mind before you step into a mobile suit" Crank said

"Thats easy for you to say, you weren't the one who was beaten by a little girl" Ein replied

"Pride and stubbornness will cloud your mind Ein, for now stay here, I will deal with these kids myself" Crank said walking away 

"But sir..." ein said

"Live a good life ein, don't hold anything against them if something happens to me," Crank said stopping for a moment then contuined walking to the hanger

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