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In the main office Orga sat where the old boss use to sit, Dexter the accountant was sitting across from him next to Winter, Eugene and yang were standing close by with Biscuit.

"So far what we have is not much, maybe only enough to survive a month, but with the help of miss schennee I can easily calculate how long we can stay afloat if miss schenne tells me the exact number" Dexter said

"Its a blank check use it to buy supplies, a ship and anything you need to take my sister to earth alive" Winter said

Everyone was stunned by what she by what she said

"Who exaclty do you work for Winter?" Orga asked

Everyone leaned in for an answer and Winter nodded

"I trust you orga so I will tell you.....I work for Atlas" Winter said

No knew who they were but dexter spoke up.

"I thought Atlas went bust years ago" Dester said

"That was a cover story so gallajorn could stop hunting us, we have been working in the shadows, buying businesses, Patons, gaining political power and taking funds away from gallojorn, you get the idea we are a rich military in secert" Winter said

"Shadow war between 2 factions and we got caught in the middle" Yang said

"Basically" Winter replied

"Well if getting Weiss to earth will bring gallajorn down we are all in" Orga said

Just then alarms rang through the base

"Attention Gallajorn mobile suit sighted, all hands man battlestations" the intercom said

They all got up and headed outside, Mika and Ruby were already there watching the lone Graze mobile suit stand there with a red flag, Nadi stood close behind them.

"Why is there only one?" Yang asked

"Its a challenge, back before the calamity war humans use to challenge each other with a red flag, never thought I see it for myself" Nadi said

Orga and a few others got on transport mobile workers and looked through binoculars to see the pilot standing on the shoulder of the Graze. Suddenly the loudspeaker of the Graze unit turned on, Weiss showed up and saw the graze

"I am Captain Crank of Gallajorn, I do not wish to fight children, all I ask if you surrender Weiss schenne to me no further harm will come to you, if you refuse send out you greatest warriors to face me, if I win I take Weiss schenne" Crank said

Eugene and the skinny coward adult spoke up.

"Listen we can't afford to go to war with gallajorn, I say we give her up" Eugene said

"Yeah yeah and maybe we can swap her for cash, a blank check is nice and all but you can't put a price on our lives right" Kirk added shaking

Winter looked at them both,

"Orga control your man or else I will" she said

"We are not giving up Weiss, he wants a fight he's got it, Mika your up" Orga said

Mika got nodded

"Okay" he simply replied

"Guess now we know who's the best pilot" Ruby said smiling

Mika stopped for a moment and actually chuckled.

"To hell with you guys I'm not dying to gallajorn today" Kirk said

He jumped off the mobile worker

"If you won't turn in Weiss I will" Kirk said

Winter jumped off the mobile worker and landed on him, on his back Winter grabbed his arm and put it behind his back amd stabbed a knife through his hand and his back, he screamed in pain.

"Ahhhh you stupid bitch!!!" Kirk shouted

"Stay" Winter said getting up

Orga sighed but didn't really care.

"Get barbatos preped and ready to fight, I will give him our answer" Orga said

Yang grabbed the intercom and handed orga the mic

"Sorry for the wait, we accept your challenge to a duel, please stand by" Orga said

Crank was upset they decided not to surrender Weiss but said nothing getting back into his Graze.

Barnatos soon came out and walked
Weilding his mace, the two said nothing barantos swung his mace, Graze countered with a axe swing, the fighting picked up.

"This kid is good" Crank said

Ruby watched next to orga and yang.

"Thats right barbatos kick his ass!" Ruby shouted

"We may very well be watching the last duel I'm history, our next opponents may not be so civil" Nadi said

Everyone looked at him while orga kept his eyes on the match.

Barbatos swung again Crank backed up and used his axe to break the mace in half, the heavy part landed close by the base dust blew everywhere, everyone took cover but yang and orga.

Barbatos uses the other half as a beating stick,

"Just a kid, yet you fight like you been in combat your whole life" Crank said

"I have been, everyday has been a battle for me and my friends, and every battle we won, like how I'm gonna win this one" Mika replied

Graze backed away

Orga smiled

"Tekkadan, that's our new name"

Weiss was next to him looking up at him

"Tekkadan.....Iron Flower" She replied

"Yeah, becuase it never wilts and never dies"

Crank threw his axe at barbatos legs cutting one off, he fell on his knees l.

"This ends now" Crank said pulling out another axe ready to bring down on barnatos, Mika grabbing the thr handle of the mace Mika used it like a spear lung it forward stabbing the Graze hitting the cockpit, both mechs were frozen in place.

The sunset behind them showed the Sillouette of the two giants.

"Its over" Orga said

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