Dawn of the rebellion

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Orga and the others were in what the locals called block, a large apartment buildings made entirely of concrete and were run down neighborhood. In the 4th floor orga ans the others along with ashima and his family were chatting about the plans of the rebellion.

"We do apologize for roping you into this whole mess, truthfully all we want is better treatment from the high ups, we are disposable to them, anyone with injury or illness that slows down productivity is immediately fired, it's truly awful situation for us working class" Ashima said

Orga nodded

"Guess doesn't matter where tour from, the working class is always screwed over" Orga replied

"Yes and with gjallahorn calling the shots they basically made us into slaves with payment sometimes not being paid, so that's why we are standing up to gjallahorn and fighting back anyway we can but now with the weapons they will have no choice but to negotiate for better treatment, wages, better living conditions and most importantly freedom" Ashima finished

Blake looked out a window staring at children playing in a old run down playground.

"Bad memories?" Mika asked

She looked at him then sighed

"Yeah, I came from a place like this, from The Loum 2 colony though, I grew up in a orphanage, our old rusted playground was the only place we found joy in....but watching the kids now I understand why the nuns would cry sometimes watching us play" Blake said

Blake looked at the children again

"Youthful ignorance, how i envy them" Blake said

"How did you end up in the pirate gang?" Mika asked

"During a riot on the colony, thugs and criminals were rading stores and taking stuff, that gang raided the orphanage, violated the nuns before killing them and taking us to there ship amd from there incase sold to another gang and again before finally being sold to the priate gang that fought you guys" Blake said

Mika nodded

"Now your with us" Mika replied

Blake looked at him and smiled laughing a bit.

"Yeah, I am" Blake said

Just then the front door to the apartment open and another employee ran inside holding a tablet. She pressed a few buttons on the tablet

"Boss we have a problem" the women said showing him the screen

A video played of Biscuit and Yang being jumped by Gjallahorn MPs.

"Sir our sources say that's Weiss Schenne" the women said panicking

"Oh no" ashima said

Orga got up and saw the video.

"God damnit, that's not Weiss that's my girlfriend!" Orga shouted enraged

Ruby got up and saw the video and put her hands over her mouth. Mika put his hands on ruby's shoulder.

"I'll find em" he said

Ruby hugged him

"Dont worry orga I'll get her, stay here keep ruby safe" Mika said

"I'll help mika" Blake said

"Good luck you two" orga said


The local protesters began outside while yang was being tortured.

"Tell us where are the rebels hiding?" The MP asked holding yang by the hair

Yang smiled while bleeding from head.

"Right up your mom's ass just like everyone else" she replied

He punched her in the face.

"We do not play games, you are with Atlas are you not, what is Atlas planning on doing with the rebels?" The second MP asked

Yang took a deep breath bleeding from her nose and lips

"Okay, they are planning......to fuck your mom in the ass" Yang said laughing

The second one punched she so hard she fell on the floor.

Outside the room Biscuit was tied up listening to yang being beaten. He looked down as his brother sat close by.

"I trusted you, you are my brother after all but.....why would you sell us out like that?" Biscuit asked shouting holding back tears

"You don't understand, if this rebellion starts thousands will die, Weiss is holding back information she needs to give the high ups something to stop this," He replied

They heard yang scream as they used a taser on her.

"She's the only that cam end all of this, all Weiss has to do is say something" he contuined

Biscuit scream

"She's not Weiss schenne you dumbass!!" Biscuit shouted

His brother jaw dropped he looked back as the closed door hearing her scream again.

"No she is, as long as gjallahorn thinks they captured wiess them there's a chance this whole mess will end" he replied

Biscuit was shocked bit he stopped crying and looked at his brother

"Your not my brother anymore" he replied

Just then the gjallahorn car outside exploded, Biscuit and his brother fell in the floor. The MPs ran out the room.

"Is it the rebels?" The MP asked

Gunshots rang as Mika was running down the hall, both MPs were hit in the stomach and leg. Biscuit smiled.

"Mika!" He shouted

"Biscuit" he replied going to him and cutting the rope that held him.

"Where's yang?" Mika asked

Biscuit pointed at the door, Mika ran in aiming his pistol but lowered it seeing yang on the floor, he got down ans helped her up.

"Yang, yang" he shouted

Yang opened her eyes and coughed out blood.

"Im fine, just got the wind knocked out of me" Yang replied trying to get up

"Here let me help" Mika said helping yang up putting her arm over his shoulder

Biscuit helped Mika, as they walked past Biscuit brother he reached out ans held yangs leg..

"No please you don't understand" he said

Yang looked at Biscuit and nodded. Biscuit knew what she meant and gotnon his knee.

"Yang says" Biscuit said before punching his brother in the face.

"Im just a messager" Biscuit said

Yang smiled through the pain as Biscuit and Mika helped her out.

In the streets things started to heat up as union and workers organized driving armed and transport mobile workers down the streets armed with guns marching and chanting. The colony began to go into a stricter lock down. Shut down railways and roads. Outside the colony a large gjallahorn fleets massed.

All across the colony net news reports were talking about the peaceful protest and marching.

A pale women in a grim mask amd red uniform smiled watching the TV in a sports bar near the protest.

"So it begins" she said smiling

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