Arival to Earth

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"Attention all hands we will soon be arriving on earth soon, shore party be sure to pack the essentials and load up in the shuttle at 13:00 hours" orga said in the intercom.

Orga put the mic down in his command chair Yang stood next to him, her arm in a sling and bandages on her head. Weiss entered the bridge.

"Weiss, this landing zone you gave us it says it's a old airbase" Orga said

"Yes it was base for recon mission during the pacific war, it owned by a trusted General of Atlas, he's also going to help me give my speech at meeting with the governments of earth" Weiss said

"I thought we were to escort just you" Orga asked

"Oh trust me the general doesn't require any escort or assistance" Weiss replied

"This guy sounds big" Yang said

"General Ironwood is larger then life, ges second in command at Atlas he can provide us with more mobile suits if we need him, he is CEO or Aniheim Electronics" Weiss added


A small fleet of Gjallahorn ships ready for combat, a women standing tall in the bridge of a carrier.

"Lady Carta Intel reports Tekkadan will be arriving soon

"Those lousy space rats are no match for us for we are The Outer Earth Orbit Regulatory Joint Fleet!!" She shouted

"Presistemce and fortitudouis!!!" The men standing behind her said

"Perfect, now we're ready, allow them to land then we will surround them on the ground, without the help of there precious little Pegasus ship they will be crushed" Carta said laughing

"Ma'am Pegasus is in sight" a crew member said

Back at the Pegasus....

All the kids ran to the windows to see earth, Mika pushed ruby who was on a wheelchair to the window. She gasped seeing how blue Earth looked.

"Its even more beautiful than I could ever had imagined" Ruby said

Mika looked at her gave a half smile and held her hand.

Back at bridge of the Pegasus.

"Scans are picking up another gjallahorn fleet but they are keeping there distance" Chad said

"Its clearly a trap, what should we do?" Yang asked

Orga smiled

"Aim the mega partical cannons at 224" Orga said

"But the fleet is at 223" Eugene said

"Were not going to kill em just give em a good scare" he replied

The massive turrets slowly turned and aimed


The mega lartical cannons fired pink Salvo of laser, the beams traveled fast and the beams grazed the gjallahorn skips burning the paint off mostly.

The captains inside the ships panicked amd began to do evasive maneuvers, but the ships started to crash into each other.

"Lady Carta all ships have been damaged, tracking systems are down"

"You idiots I told you we would be fine" Carta said

She could only watched as the shuttle began to head down the planet earth,

"Message from the enemy"

The screen turned on and Orga sat there with yang standing next to him.

"Im sure you have insurance right" orga said

"God damn space rats made a fool out of use!!" Carta said

"I'll get you all for this!!!" Carta shouted

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