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-Chapter 38-


Sunoo was right.

The very next day, Jiseon was out of bed and hobbling around the house on her weakened legs.

Sunoo hovered around her like a fly, pestering her by the second to take it easy but she waved him off and continued moving about.

The medic huffed, eventually giving up and throwing his arms in defeat.

"Fine." He rambled to himself, hands in a flurry of motion. "You can tear open your wound for all I care. Don't come crying to me when that happens, I'm not fixing it."

Jiseon chuckled as he stomped off in a fit, appreciative of his concern, but she knew she could handle herself just fine.

She used the walls and anything she could get her hands on as support, stubbornly refusing anyone else's help.

"Jaeyun, I'm not a child. Go away." She swatted at his hands as he reached out to assist her across the main foyer.

"Jesus, woman. Just accept the help for once." Jake scooped her smaller figure up in his arms and carried her over to the dining room.

Jiseon kicked her legs in protest but stopped soon after as it caused her torso to ache. She gave into Jake and let him place her down in a chair at the table.

"I swear, you're like a child sometimes." He scoffed as he straightened his shirt out.

"Oh, please." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. A thought came to mind and she smirked. "Do I need to remind you of that time when-"

Jake, instantly sensing what she was going to say, slapped his hand over her mouth.

"No! Shut up!" He hissed. "Do not ever mention that again!"

Jiseon glared at him, smacking his hand away from her face.

"No, no. Please, continue." Jay walked into the room carrying two plates of fried rice, placing one in front of Jiseon and setting the other down next to the first on the table.

He seated himself to her left, pulling the chair up to the table and leaning on his open palm. "So what's this interesting story you're talking about?"

Target Locked // [Enhypen Mafia AU]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant