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—Chapter 3—


"Okay, look," Jake rubbed his eyes with one hand as he sighed. "Jiseon...may seem an outsider to you, but she's actually been working alongside us for awhile now. Mr. Bang made a deal with her boss to lend her out as an asset about a year ago and she's been helping Be:LIFT out with missions here and there since then. In simpler terms, she's a hit man that's been cleaning up our loose ends. Plus, he believes that having her work with us will increase our chances of resolving this issue before it gets out of hand."

"Mind telling us who this 'boss' is you speak of?" Jungwon aimed the question towards Jiseon who simply raised her eyebrows at him.

"Can't say." She shrugged, earning a scoff from the young leader. "And to answer your first question, Heeseung, what's to say they won't stop at the big three? What's stopping them from taking over the other mafias in Korea? Be:LIFT? Cube? Mr. Bang's connection has collected intel on an expansion plan, combining Korea's mafias with the other foreign mafias in China and Japan and relinquishing all command over to them."

"What exactly do you want us to do about it then?" Sunoo snapped, his red hair falling over his eyes as he stretched his arms above his head. "There's no guarantee that'll even happen. It's all speculation from a connection we've never heard about. Plus, you expect us to believe you? A complete stranger who's supposedly been helping us behind the scenes? This whole situation is a bit dodgy if you ask me. I'm not buying it."

"I don't expect you to believe me. I expect you to believe Jake and Mr. Bang, both people you know and trust." Jiseon stated before turning her back to the group and moving towards the door. "Anyways, I'll let you guys discuss this on your own. I'm gonna head out."

There was a pause before Jake spoke out again, sending a meaningful glance at Jungwon. "You should stay with us. Mr. Bang ordered it."

"Absolutely not." Jungwon and Jiseon said at the same time, the latter whipping back around and shooting a glare at her old friend.

However, instead of his usual calm demeanor, Jake wore a very serious expression on his face.

"I know you guys don't trust each other, and I'm not saying you should just yet. But this is a very concerning situation and whether you like it or not, we're all involved now that all of this information is out on the table. You're staying with us until further notice and that is final."

Jungwon opened his mouth to oppose but Jake cut him off. "I know this isn't my call to make, but I have orders from above and I hope you will comply with Mr. Bang's wishes."

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