Cʜᴀᴏs Rɪsɪɴɢ (2)

Start from the beginning

Ariane takes off her jacket and throws it on the floor by the door to block the opening.

"Give me your jacket." She say reaching towards Allison. The girl listens with no hesitation and hands her the jacket. Ariane throws it on the floor by her own.

Allison turns her flashlight on on her phone and looks around. Ariane watches as she points the phone toward a corner. Allison gasps as they see a girl sitting there unconscious with blood and bruises all over her.

Ariane runs a hand through her hair before setting both of them on her hips, "Did you know her?"

Allison nods, "Her names Erica."

Ariane looks back down at the girl before Allison sets her phone down on a rack face down so the light shined up to the ceiling.

"Can I ask how you ended up here? Or why you're here?" Allison says

"I could ask you the same thing."

Allison sighs, "I'm just curious."

Ariane sits down on the ground and brings her knees up before setting her arms on them, "I'm trying to figure out why you had a bruise shaped like the banks logo."

Allison furrows her brows, "How did you-"


Allison nods, "Right. You're sisters?"

Ariane raises her brows in agreement, "She was worried whenever she saw your bruise so she brought it up to me. She thought the shape of it was weird, so, she drew it and showed it to me. I knew I recognized it from somewhere, so I did a bunch of research and ended up here."

Allison nods as she starts pacing slowly, "So, do you know about ..?"

"The supernatural? Yeah." She says


"You ask a lot of questions."

Allison looks down as Ariane looks around the room, "I'm guessing you know something about hunting. Seeing as you have a gun and chinese ring daggers."

"My parents were hunters." Ariane says simply

"Oh. My dad-"

"Is a hunter." Ariane finishes. Allison stops and frowns as Ariane rolls her eyes, "My parents knew your dad."

"Oh. Does Luisa know?"

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible."

The two girls heads snap towards the door as they hear growling and fighting. Allison rushes to open the door as Ariane jumps up. The girls turn corners quickly as the fighting gets louder. Allison makes it to the vault first.

"Look out!" She yells. Ariane comes up beside her as Scott and Derek fight two wolves. Allison breathes heavily as a wolf sinks its claws into Scott's stomach raising him up.

Allison bends down to the edge of the vault entrance.

Derek turns quickly, "No! Don't break the seal!"

"Boyd!" Allison yells

"Allison!" Ariane calls out as she grabs at her arm. Before she could pull her up, Allison breaks the seal. The two wolves stop and run toward the door. Allison and Ariane hurriedly back away to the side of the door and watch the wolves run off.

Derek storms out and grabs Allison's arm.

"Don't touch her!" Scott yells

"What were you thinking?" Derek says pushing her away

"That I had to do something." Allison snaps

"She saved our lives." Scott says walking up

"Yeah, and what do you think they're gonna do out there? Do you have any idea what we just set free?" Derek yells

"You want to blame me? Well, I am not the one turning teenagers into killers." Allison spits

"No. No, that's just the rest of your family."

Scott looks over and frowns at the sight of Ariane.

"I made mistakes. Gerard is not my fault." Allison says quietly

"And what about your mother?" Derek says

"What do you mean?"

Derek turns to Scott, "Tell her, Scott."

"What does he mean, Scott?" Allison asks, "What does he mean?"

Derek looks to the left of Allison and stops as he sees Ariane standing there. His breath hitches as Ariane finally looks to him. Her jaw clenches as he stares at her.

She turns and walks away as Scott and Allison start to talk. Derek rushes after her.



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