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Dear Diary,

The first month and a half of school already passed and so far, it's going amazing. It's just kind of weird how the whole world's acting like they know me. I distanced myself from everyone in school except a handful of people simply because I didn't fuck with anyone else here. It just sucks how I can never be alone in school because I always got these dogs in chains, following me everywhere I go.

It's finally October but something tells me that this is the month. The month where things are gonna start shaking up. At this point, I didn't know if I should be worried or excited.

During my first period, my teacher gave me a schedule change form. They changed my first period to some advanced English class so I made my way to the second floor, where my new class was located. My stomach churned nervously as I reached the classroom - I despised walking into classrooms in the middle of a period. Everyone just stares at you like if you committed a crime or something.

When I reached the classroom, I placed my hand on the door's handle and hesitated. Here goes nothing. I pulled the handle, the door creaking as I stepped inside. Everyone's heads immediately snapped to my direction but my anxiety went away when I was happily greeted by half of the class. I smiled, waving back to those that know me before going to the short-haired teacher that was sitting at her desk. I handed her my schedule before scanning the room for a seat.

"Violet!" A group of guys from the back corner waved. I scanned around one more time before I made my decision to sit with them.

"That's what's up, you're in this class now?!" A guy named Jose asked as he high-fived me. I nodded with a smile as I slammed my bag on the desk.

"Just be patient with this lady Violet. I'm just letting you know 'cause she can be a bitch and you have no filter when it comes to speaking your thoughts." My other friend Roy wiggled his finger at me.

I laughed, along with flipping my hair over my shoulder. "She doesn't have a choice but to hate me then." We released a chuckle before the teacher stood up from her desk. I recalled her name being Mrs.Bennet, as shown on the schedule.

"Oh hell no, she's gonna start teaching." Jose groaned, throwing his head back while running his hands down his face. That's when I noticed Stephen sitting at our table, gawking at him stupidly. He slapped the back of Jose's head, gaining a death glare from him.

"She never finishes her lectures anyways. She tends to get off topic and starts having an open-classroom discussion about anything. We just go along with it so that way, we never have to do shit." Stephen chuckled.

A playful smirk found it's way on my face. Looks like I didn't have to worry about working hard in this class. After a couple of minutes passed, we all stopped talking and decided to join the classroom discussion.

Stephen was right about her, she totally dropped the lecture and was now talking about the time she graduated from some university with her bachelors degree. Students asked her questions every now and then or threw in their own little comments just to kill more time. However, I couldn't really focus on what was going on since I was being distracted by being a distraction.

You get me? I don't think you do.

Across the room from me sat a tanned boy with messy, black hair with minor chin hair, dressed in all black. Ryder. I recognized him from last year, when he transferred here after getting kicked out of North Crystal Beach. We're not exactly friends but we're not exactly strangers either.

He haven't tore his eyes away ever since I stepped foot into the class. When he realized I made eye contact with him, his eyes widened a bit. That's when he looked away, his face mirroring an unreadable expression.

The Diary of Violet (Publishing Soon)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz