Eye of the Beholder

Start from the beginning

"We're closed, sorry," she muttered, turning around so that they couldn't see her.

"Oh, I know, Isa."

Isabel turned around, hopeful. Was it Jason-?

In front of her stood a slightly cross Liam.

-Jason's perspective-

Jason was quietly reading in a corner of the Brew when he heard someone crying. He got up and walked closer to see him walk in.

It was the guy in the photo. Isa's new boyfriend. He had called her Isa. Wow, looks like she replaced him quickly.

"I said we're closed," Isa said. "And if you dare call me that again, I'll knock your lights out. Believe me, I can and I will."

"Oh, come on, I know you want me," the guy smirked.

"What I want is for you to get out of my fucking life, you foul, loathsome, evil cockroach," she snapped. He stared at her blankly, and she scoffed, "How come no one gets my Harry Potter references?"

"Didn't you get my gift?" he pressed, walking closer.

"Yeah, I did, and now it's all over my walls," Isa huffed, dropping her broom. "Don't you ever do that again. I'm a recovering alcoholic." He sent her a bottle of alcohol?

"Speaking of which, I heard that your ex is one, too. That he was a stupid drunkie that killed his sister. Do you really care about him, Isa-?"

"What was that you said?" Isa scowled. He smirked at her, licking his lips.

Suddenly, she sucker- punched him, and he recoiled with a bloody nose. Jason's eyes widened. Note to self: Never cross her.

"What the-?!" The guy scoffed.

"I told you. Don't ever call me 'Isa'," she spat. "And never, ever, say that Jason killed Ali. Now get out of my fucking face or else next time, you'll be left with more than a bruise on your ugly face. I said, we're closed."

The guy scampered off, terrified of her. Jason couldn't help but smile. That was how she was. He also felt stupid. Of course she was telling the truth, why'd he ever doubt her? Now she'd probably kick him to the curb for all the nasty things he said. He kind of deserved it...


Isabel glared after Liam. The nerve of that bastard. Coming up to her like that, when he knew she hated his guts. She leaned down to pick up the broom and heard someone walk up to her.

"I swear, if you want me to punch you again-" she seethed, standing up again. Instead, Jason's sheepish face loomed above her, and she sighed. "Do you want me to punch you, too? I'm in a bad mood."

"No, no, I came to say... I'm sorry," he gulped. Well, at least he was telling the truth.

"So you saw," she muttered, flushing red. She had never in a million years intended for him to see her beat someone up.

"I..." Jason faltered.

"What happened to 'I know when someone's lying'? If I'm telling the truth, which I really am, Jason, then how come you didn't know?" Isabel huffed, crossing her arms.

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