A Hot Piece of 'A'

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"Hey," Aria smiled as she walked in. "How are you?"

"Okay. Much better," Isabel sighed, sitting next to Hanna. Her friends might care about if she lived, but they had dragged Caleb into this mess, and Isabel couldn't forgive them for that.

"I...I tried to hack it, but... the owner shut it down," Caleb explained to Isabel hesitantly. She was as coldly silent as Hanna was. "Are you sure you want me to work on this?"

"Yes!" Aria, Spencer, and Emily said in unison.

"Hanna, Isabela, are you all right with this?" Caleb frowned.

Hanna was silent for a second, but then nodded warily.


Isabel pursed her lips and sighed, finally nodding.


After school, Isabel hung out with Spencer and Emily by their lockers. They all had earned extra community service with that stunt they had pulled with the garbage bags. Isabel and Emily today, and Spencer tomorrow.

"How was your test?" Spencer asked as Emily put her books away.

"I'm doing a makeup of a makeup," Emily scoffed.

"We've got to run. Community service starts at 4 P.M., sharp," Isabel sighed as Emily slammed her locker door shut.

"Wait. Your guys' is today?" Spencer groaned. "I was hoping you'd be able to come snoop around Jason's house with me."

Isabel took a deep breath and tried not to kill Spencer. "Spence, we've been over this. He didn't kill Ali, he didn't house Ian, and he certainly isn't 'A'! Why do you want to ruin all my relationships? First Caleb, now this!"

"Well, if Jenna and Garrett have a helper, and it's a he, where does your mind go?" Spencer huffed.

"It's going to community service," Emily said quickly. "Ask Aria."

"Emily! Why are you encouraging her to break into my boyfriend's house?!" Isabel shouted at her. "And Jason's been out of town for weeks, Spence."

"I did. She's under house arrest," Spencer complained to Emily. "And besides, she really believes that Jason's been out of town for weeks."

"He has!" Isabel said frustratedly.

"Then ask Hanna," Emily replied, glancing between them nervously.

"Hanna thinks that Jason's innocent, and that he and Isabel should get married," Spencer sighed, and Isabel rolled her eyes at her.

"He IS!" She yelled.

"Plus, Hanna spent all of chem class drawing pictures of me in a pointy hat and a wart on my nose," Spencer added.

"Oh, really? Can I see them? I'd like to make it my screensaver," Isabel snapped. "You're endangering Caleb. She has every reason to be mad at you. I am, too. About Caleb and Jason. The only reason I'm talking to you right now is because Emily and I have community service."

"You'll both get over it," Emily promised. "Offer her your lake house. She needs some serious face time with Caleb." Isabel fake-gagged.

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