GOW 4 Chapter 8: Snatcher Seeking

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Alex kicks open the door to a large church.

Alex: Hello? Ghostly Nun with a Knife? Come out, come out, wherever you are...

JD: What the hell is wrong with you?

Kait: (sees a switch of some kind) Let's see if this works...

She turns the switch and all the lamps come on within the church.

Natasha: We got some light at the church.

Daniel: (sees a Juvie) Contact!

The group then sees one of the Juvies from before and screeches at them. It then jumps down and crawls into something on the floor.

 It then jumps down and crawls into something on the floor

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Thror: It went into a hole?

JD: What the hell?

Something large than the Juvie crawls up out of the hole in the floor and roars up at the ceiling.

Something large than the Juvie crawls up out of the hole in the floor and roars up at the ceiling

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Y/N: (shocked) Oh my god...

Ruby: (steps back and gulps) Uh... Y/N?

The six-foot creature then grabs a Lancer off a dead Gear and looks at the group as more start to come out of the hole.

These creatures called Drones are Juvies that have mutated inside a nest. They are tough and resistant soldiers who resemble the backbone of the Swarm's army.

 They are tough and resistant soldiers who resemble the backbone of the Swarm's army

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The Nephilim of Remnant: (Remake of RWBY Harem x Male Sparda Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora