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the plane ride was the longest thing I have ever been on. I slept a decent bit while we were in the air but my back was killing me and I couldn't wait to stretch once I got off.

walking through airport was just me dragging my feet and Bryan pulling me along.

"you're so slow." he jokingly whines.

I just huff at him and pick up my pace.

we're meeting up with Matt, whose going to take us to the hotel where everyone is staying. currently we're in Berlin, Germany.

"Bryan, my man!"

Matt calls out coming up to us and does a handshake with Bryan.

"hey man."

"roni, it's nice to see you again. how've you been?" he pulls me into a hug.

"I've been good, how about you? how's tour?"

"it's great, it's been the best one so far. everyone's meeting for lunch, also I didn't tell anyone you were coming so we're gonna be a little late to lunch. I set up a room for you, I wasn't sure if you'd want to share with rylan so you have your own room."

"okay cool, thank you Matt. really."

"absolutely, it was no problem. now let's get out of here."

I follow the two of them out of the airport and towards the hotel.


I sit my bags on the floor and immediately fall in the bed with a huff.

I lay here for a few minutes before sitting up to change clothes, well pants. Lazily throwing on black jeans instead of the sweatpants I'm currently clad in and I just keep the PTV sweatshirt on.

just as I put my converse back on there's a knock at my door.

I grab my key card, wallet and phone and head out the door where I'm met with both Matt and Bryan.


"ready to go surprise everybody?"

I nod my head and try to bite back the nerves that are dying to consume my body.

thoughts of seeing noah infiltrating my mind.

we only had to walk to the restaurant and it was around the corner from the hotel. the boys made sure to walk in front of me but that seems to fail when there's a loud squeal that quite literally attracts everyone's attention.

just great.

"roni!!" rylan practically jumps on me. her body colliding with mine nearly knocks me over, but lucky she doesn't.

"what are you doing here? I mean this is great but what?" she ask so fast I barely understand her.

"Bryan asked me to tag along for a show, plus I missed y'all." I say with a smile and shrug causing both of us to giggle.

"more like you missed Noah." she whispers with a wink.

"dude, shut up." I whisper back. she holds back a giggle before pulling me towards the table.

"sup boys, I've heard tour was going great so I decided I'd come and ruin it for you." I shrug giving them a teasing smile.

"already feels unbearable, Weasley." I'm pulled into a pair of arms. instantly knowing who it is, I wrap my arms around him and smile up at him.

"pleasures all mine, stick bug."

he playfully rolls his eyes at me and let's go so I can give hugs to everyone else.

the only empty seat is next to Noah, which I can't help but feel as if it was intentional by the smirk growing on Bryan's face.

I squint my eyes at him and he playfully winks at me.

"how's the writing going?" Noah asks from beside me.

I look over to him, "it's going good, I've been on a roll lately. it's kinda strange."

"did you finish that one song?"

the song I sang in front of him.

"yeah I did, I finished a few songs actually."

"could I hear one? later of course."

our conversation is cut off shortly as the waitress comes and asks for everyone's drink choice as well as everyone's order.

I wasn't really in the mood for food, so I didn't get anything. my body's too tired to eat, I'm surprised I'm not asleep yet.

"you aren't eating?" Noah's quick to ask, quietly as the waitress is still taking orders.

"I'm not hungry, I'm just tired at the moment. I slept on the plane but not great. I'll make sure to get something later." i say with a smile.

"but yeah, I think Bryan mentioned that my room is next to yours? I don't have my guitar though." I continue the other conversation.

"I have mine you can use, if you'd like." he offers with that charming smile of his.

him smiling only makes me want to smile as my insides feel warm. I feels like it's just the two of us at this table and my mind wanders back to the night where he kissed my cheek.

"y-yeah that would be great, thank you." I stutter.

his smile only seems to widen which only makes my cheeks redden even more.

that smile is going to be the death of me.

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