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the second the shower turns off, it's eerily quiet. the tv isn't even making sound anymore.

I wrap a towel around myself and walk out to my bedroom so see Mark sitting on my bed with my notebook in hand.

oh god. oh no. the song. the small note I wrote. everything. my dream. everything.

"you lied."

"I didn't."

"YOU LIED! YOUVE BEEN GOING BEHIND MY BACK WITH THIS DOUCHE? NOAH? REALLY? GOD YOURE SUCH A SLUT!" he throws the notebook on the ground before standing up and making his way toward me.

"I never lied to you!"

"you never lied, huh? then what's the "wishing you were at my door" or all the fucking thoughts you had of him? HUH? sounds like a lying fucking slut to me!"

"I met him once! ONE TIME! It inspired a song, that's all! A SONG! I've never cheated on you, all I have to do is breathe in a guys direction and suddenly I'm cheating on you? yeah, maybe I shouldn't have even written anything down but it was my best fucking bet at forgetting."

"you're such a bitch! you know that?" he scoffs.

"excuse me?

"you're a bitch who can't keep her fucking legs closed around guys. I have done everything to respect you and this is the way you repay me? everyone was right about you. I can't believe I didn't fucking see it."

"get out."

"I have made you who you are! if it weren't for me, you'd be on the streets, basically like how you are now. sleeping with any man who offers their gaze in your direction. you are nothing without me Veronica. nothing."

"GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" I scream at him. tears roll down my face from his harsh words. this is my fault. I never should've talked to Noah. I never should've written that damn song.

he doesn't move towards the door though, no. he picks up my notebook and walks into my bathroom.

"what are you doing?" I panic.

he doesn't say anything, he pulls a lighter out of his pocket and the next thing I know, my notebook that I've had for years, with everything in it bursts into flames. he drops it in the waterless sink that I immediately rush to turn on but he grips my arm, not letting me before speaking in my ear.

"do this again and next time, I won't be so kind."

he left a mark on my arm the second he let go. I turn the water on and watch smoke fill the room.

the door slams and I'm left on the bathroom floor in tears.

enchanted [N. SEBASTIAN]Where stories live. Discover now