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the boys left and it's been quite lonely.

they've been killing it on tour, I try to keep up as much as possible. Bryan likes to blow my phone up along with Rylan. I can't go a day without getting a meme worthy photos of one of the guys.

I sit with my legs crossed on the couch with my laptop in my lap trying to figure out this email that needs to be sent out in 15 minutes. I know. I procrastinate too much.

I type and type just to delete, it has to be professional and well versed but everything I write seems like a 4th grader using big words for the first time. unlike how it's cute for them, it's utterly stupid for me.

my phone suddenly goes off which makes me look at it with a jump. Noah's name pops up with the FaceTime icon.

"hey, everything okay?" I ask. my phones propped up on my computer screen.

"hey, yeah I just wanted to call you and see how you've been. we haven't talked much since I left."

"I'm okay, I need this damn email to go away though." I pretty much grumble.

"can't figure out what to say?"

"not to save the life of me. everything sounds stupid and now," I pause looking at the time. "I have 6 minutes until I have to send it."

"how much do you have? maybe I can help?" he offers.

"good evening Mr. Stone," I stop.

"okay continue."

"that's all I have." I throw my head back and groan.

"oh you're screwed." he chuckles slightly.

"I'm glad my suffering amuses you." I jokingly roll my eyes.

"oh you have no idea." he snickers.

suddenly it's like my brain had 6 shots of espresso injected directly into it as words quickly start to leave my brain and trail down to my fingers on the keyboard.

"dude you could've at least warned me to turn the volume on my phone down before you started typing like a mad woman."

I only sent him an amused look before finally finishing the email with a minute to spare.

"and sent! I finished!" I practically slammed the laptop shut happy to have had that over and done with.

"I need a drink. preferably one of the alcoholic beverages I have." I mutter causing a laugh to echo through my phone.

"whatcha got?" he asks as I set my phone on the counter in a way that offers a view of the entire kitchen.

"uh good question, i honestly don't know. majority of it's definitely Marks though. well too bad for him, he can fuck himself," I rummage through the freezer and wine shelf. "oh wow this is expensive too. maybe I shouldn't drink it? pour it down the drain? waste his money? nah this shit looks too good to do that."

"you done talking to yourself?" I suddenly hear.

"oh shut it." I laugh. I take the expensive red wine and fill a glass. I take a sip before my face scrunches up.

"god this shits horrible! it's so dry!" I pick up the bottle to look at the label once more.

Noah's laughing on the other line, "you're suffering really does amuse me Weasley."

"shut up, bowl cut." I say back. he just howls in laughter once more.

"looks like wasting his money is the go to." I say as I pour the expensive bottle of wine down the sink.

"wait, you saw the picture?"

"hunny, both bryan and rylan send me your most meme worthy photos. trust me, bowl cut isn't the worst nickname you're gonna receive from me." I wink at him.


I know. I know. it's been a good month since I've updated but here's this filler chapter. I've been extremely busy and went to New York and now I'm preparing to go to blue ridge. but I wanted to finally give y'all something even if its not the best. I have future chapters already finished and I can't wait for y'all to read them!!

anyways I hope y'all enjoy this short chapter! xx

enchanted [N. SEBASTIAN]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora