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groaning meets my ears when I wake. my groaning.

my head's pounding and any slice of light makes it pound even worse.

"oh god." my body lurches to the side of the bed my the contents of my stomach leave my mouth and thankfully into the well placed trash can.

I'm basically dry heaving by the end of it.

when I finally lay back down, there's a quiet knock on the door before it opens.

the person walks in before speaking, "how are you feeling?"

it's only then I realize I'm not in my bed, nor my own home.

"you drank a bit too much after what happened last night. it was best we just let you crash here for the night."

It takes me a second to realize it's Noah talking to me, he's crouched beside the bed.

"oh god." I groan covering my eyes with my hands. this is extremely embarrassing. "I'm so sorry!"

"there's nothing to be sorry for." he says softly.

"what did I drink? and how much?"

"tequila and about 5 shots worth was left in the new bottle."

that makes me groan louder causing him to chuckle. this has to be a dream, there's no way I did that!

"how are you feeling tho? with everything?"

I finally look him in the eye, "I feel like shit but honestly, I feel good."

I mean it's half true.

"this should help with the hangover," he says handing me a water bottle and Advil that I gratefully take. "I'm glad you're doing okay, I know it sucks but you're 1000% better off. you deserve so much better than that asshole."

I'm speechless at first, and my cheeks turn a shade of pink. my words really don't ever seem to process around this man.

"thank you, really."

"you don't need to thank me for something that's true, but it's no problem," he stands back up and makes his way to the door. "oh before I forget, there's waffles down stairs if you're feeling up for them. it'll help getting something into your system."

"and there's a new toothbrush in the bathroom as well."


I make sure I look somewhat presentable before walking out of the room and trying to remember my way to the kitchen.

I follow the voices.

"there she is, how's the tequila treating you?"

"like shit Bryan."

I look at the other pairs of eyes staring at me, "right guys this is Veronica, Roni this is Jolly, Nick and the other Nick but we call him Folio. you already know Noah."

"uh hi, sorry about last night."

"don't worry about it." Bryan says and the boys nod along. "come eat, you need it."

he sets down a plate with 2 waffles and bacon on the table and I follow him.

I sit and nervously eat, not really feeling hungry and the fact I'm surrounded by people I don't know makes me anxious.

"did the advil help any?" Noah asks beside me.

I look over at him and nod my head, "yeah, thank you."

he nods his head taking a bite of his waffle before starting a conversation with the others.

"the poster looks sick by the way!" the one I remember as folio says.

my cheeks slightly burn from the compliment, "thanks, I'm glad you like it."

"like it? it's probably the best poster we've ever had made!" Bryan chimes in.

I smile at him, thankful that they enjoy the poster even though they had the majority already done when I got my hands on it.

"It's not like I did all the work, you gave me something already made up, I just added to it." I shrug.

"YOU made it better though, way better." Bryan says again.

"I only did like 3 little things."

"a little goes a long way, Roni."


it's about 4 in the afternoon when I decide it's best for me to go home. Bryan tries to stop me because he thinks it's best if I'm around someone at this time and is clearly concerned on if I'm good on driving home.

"Bryan I'm 100% sober at this point, I'm okay, really. thank you for letting me stay last night."

"it wasn't a problem at all, but seriously call me if you need anything."

"I will, thank you."

and with I walk out the door and to my car.


I turn around confused when I hear my name yelled, Noah comes jogging towards me.

"what's up?" I ask.

"here," he hands me a slip of paper. "it's my number, just uh text if you need anything." he scratches the back of his neck.

"yeah, yeah I will. thanks." I give him a small smile which he gives back a wider one. we say our good byes and he watches me pull out of the driveway before walking back inside.

oh my god.

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