589 14 1

it's currently 7pm and Marks over watching a movie on the couch.

I lost interest in the movie the second it started. my mind picturing that I was here with someone else. and the only thing he seems interested in is trying to touch me more than I want him too.

"will you stop? I'm trying to watch the movie." I whisper not in the mood for raising my voice tonight.

I want to have a good night with Mark instead of getting into an argument.

he lets out a heavy sigh and shifts away from me like a toddler throwing a fit. I roll my eyes at his behavior and continue to stare at the tv.

"why is Bryan calling you?" Mark asks.

I look over to see him holding my phone. I don't say anything, I just reach to grab it but he holds it away as it rings.

"it's work related, give me my phone."

he holds an angry glare but hands me the phone and I accept the call.

"hello?" I say.

"hey, I know it's late. sorry to be a bother, I just wanted to call and thank you for what you did! everyone loves it!" he exclaims.

"it truly wasn't a problem. I'm glad they love it." I smile. it turns into a frown when I see Mark seething next to me.

"how much do I owe you?" he asks.

"oh don't worry about that, it's fine!"

"seriously, how much?"

"free of charge sir," I say. "seriously."

"again thank you!"

"Absolutely! call me anytime if you need help again! night Bryan."

"alrighty, night Roni."

the call end and I'm immediately met with the growing anger from my boyfriend.

"why was he calling you?"

"I told you, it was for work." I shrug, telling the truth.

"Veronica don't lie to me! you were flirting with him!"

"I'm telling the truth, it was work related! I helped him with a poster for a band! we weren't flirting, fucking calm down!" I say standing up to go take a shower. mainly just to get away from the man next to me for a while.

"where are you going?"

"to take a shower." to get away from you.

I shut the bathroom door before he can say something else and start my long shower.

enchanted [N. SEBASTIAN]Where stories live. Discover now