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I walk to the kitchen with Mark following behind me.

under the sink, I grab a vase for the flowers. It's a nice gesture even though I personally don't like them.

"you're going to Bryan's tonight with me."

I nearly drop the vase, "I am?"


"I can't tonight," come on think of something. "I have to go grocery shopping as well as go to my parents to take care of the dogs tonight."

it wasn't fully a lie, I truly have to go take care of the dogs, but I don't have to go grocery shopping until tomorrow. might as well do it today.

what about Noah?

no, not what about Noah! I need to clear him from my thoughts.

those brown eyes that made me feel safe.

I want to immediately jump towards the idea of going. towards seeing him again, but it's wrong.

he probably won't even be there anyways.

"Veronica?" Mark says loudly.

"hm? sorry, what?"

"you're going."

"mark, I told you I can't tonight. I have stuff to do. I'm not going, enjoy your night."

he just huffs angrily and rolls his eyes, "why can't you just do this one thing for me? huh? I bought you flowers and you can't even return the favor?" he scolds.

"my parents are way more important to me than anything else like some stupid ass party where I end up alone in a corner for the entire night, remember that."

he's getting on my nerves.

expecting him to get more upset, I'm shocked when he doesn't. "you're right. go do what you gotta do, I'll see you tomorrow?"

I just nod and he kisses my cheek, before leaving.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and look over towards the kitchen where the flowers sit.

instead of fluttering, my heart sinks.


I unlock my parents front door and I'm immediately met with barking and scraping of paws on the wooden floor.

"hi babies!" I say crouching down to love on the golden retriever Max and the boarder collie Winston. two of the sweetest boys I know.

"who's ready for a walk?" this instantly gets their attention and they go crazy.

I get their leash's and attach them to their collars before heading out the door.

I tend to go on long walks with them around the neighborhood. it's quite big and makes a perfect route to walk the dogs.

when the walks done, I feed them and then head off to the grocery store.

I go down each isle grabbing the things I need, always grabbing cold and frozen things last.

right now I'm debating on what fruits to get. I'm definitely not the healthiest but I always need fruit. I think I'd die without it.

a hand reaches next to me before I see who it is.

"hey Bryan."

"oh hey, how are you?" he grabs a fruit tray, checking to make sure it's good.

"I'm doing okay, how about yourself?" I pick up blackberries.

"I'm great! are you coming to the cookout tonight?" he asks grabbing something else before turning towards me.

"not tonight, I uh have stuff to do."

he nods at my words, he goes to say something but someone cuts him off.

"hey man, did you grab any mango?"

I look towards the sound of the voice and my eyes widen in shock.

my heart flutters when my eyes meet his and I'm filled with a comforting sense of safety.

"yeah I did, here." Bryan hands Noah the mango.

I didn't think I'd see him again but here we are.

"hey." it's simple but it makes my heart flutter even more.


"are you sure you can't make it tonight?" Bryan asks.

"yeah, but y'all enjoy the night, I've gotta get home to finish up the other stuff. it was nice running into you Bryan," I smile at him and look to Noah. "Noah."

heat burns my cheeks as I turn around, hoping to get out of here as fast as I can.

Noah hasn't done anything but make me think of him endlessly since that night. I can't do that, not when I'm with mark.

a part of me was truly hoping I'd never see him again.

but a part of me is relieved that I did.

enchanted [N. SEBASTIAN]Where stories live. Discover now