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I knock on the door waiting for an answer.

the door swings open and I meet Bryan's confused gaze with my panicked eyes.

"hey, I'm so sorry to show up unannounced, but I was wondering if Mark was here? he hasn't been answering his phone nor was he at his apartment." I basically rush out my words.

"no, is everything okay? would you like to come in and calm down for a minute?"

"uh sure?"

"come on, I'll grab you some water."

I follow behind him to the kitchen and sit on one of the bar stools.

"so what happened?" he asks after handing me the water that I gratefully drink.

"uh we got in a really bad fight the other night and uh well he hasn't been answering. it's honestly my fault, I shouldn't have written the song, I should've just completely forgot all about it and focused on my relationship and -"

"woah woah woah slow down, breathe. it's okay, I promise." he gives me a kind smile.

I take a deep breath before looking around. he must notice this because then he says, "the boys aren't here at the moment, anything you say is safe with me. pinky promise."

he holds his pinky out and I let out a small laugh before linking my pinky with his.

"I want to break up with him, Bryan. I can't be with him anymore." I say looking out the window.

his eyes are full of concern.

"I think we know two very different Marks, but I think we both know how capable he is at being an asshole. I mean I can't even talk to another guy, let alone you without him breathing down our necks and calling me a cheater." I look down at my hands, "I wrote a song about someone who I met the night of one of y'all's cookouts. I felt safer with that person than I had ever with Mark, even though I had just known them for 20 minutes. the song had all my thoughts and emotions, and Mark basically destroyed it. I never wanted to take anything farther than the song, I never wanted to think the things I thought. I just wanted to write, to forget. he's not the only one who ruined us, because I ruined us too."

"seems to me he's the one who ruined it. I've seen a-lot of things in y'all's relationship and a lot of them are for him to take the blame, not you. I've seen how he ignores you the second y'all walk into a party, how he drags anyone away from you when they try to offer you some company. he's an asshole. I've seen how he indiscreetly tears you down for something you're wearing, hell when he's drunk he tells me why he brings you just so you can be ignored for the rest of the night. he's my friend but god I wanna punch him square in the face sometimes."

"sometimes I wish I could." I offer a small smile.

just then my phone chimes with a notification from Mark.

"he says he just got home but he will talk to me tomorrow. I don't think I can wait until tomorrow. I just need this over with." I let out a breath.

"alright, come on." he grabs his keys and honestly I don't question him.

enchanted [N. SEBASTIAN]Where stories live. Discover now