Chapter 29

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"Then after we graduated and mom married Kyle we all head to the airport with Harry."I start to cry
"And that is when...."The therapist starts
"The flight attendent said there was over weight and I had to take another was fine by me the two planes have 2 hours of arrival between them...."I whipe my tears
"What happened?"The therapist asks
"After I got out Harry held my hand he asked me if I wanted him to come with me I said it was okay....I sat in the airport and waited for the next plane."I cry
"When......everyone started to gather and I heard one yell plane 301 crashed....I broke down."I cry
"They and Kyle's body were found but Harry's was never found."I whimper
"I am so sorry."He says
"What hurts that untill the last minute he was afraid on me riding alone."I cry
Kate he is in a better place now."The therapist says
"I know I just miss him so much."I whipe my tears
"Look at me I am 21 now and the accident happened 5 years ago but still I can never forget him."I stand
"I can assure you it is a phase and you will break it soon."The therapist says
"I hope."I give him a smile
"Send in the next patient."The thrapist says
The door opens revealing a tall man with brown hair with curls at the end .My hearts stops when my eyes lock on his green ones.I know him....
"Harry."Tears spill down
" meam Harry styles."The therapist is shocked
"Yes that is the Harry I was talking about."I cry and hug him
"Harry how.....forget it the only thing is that you are alive."I run my hands through his hair
" I know you?"He breaks my heart
"Harry it is me Kate."I pull back
I look into his eyes they have turned into deeper green amd they are filled with lust.
"You really don't know me."I whipe my tears
"I am sorry."He says
"Doctor."I look at him
"Please Mrs.Jones you will freak him out wait out side."He says and I do as told
He doesn't remember is okay as long as he is here with me I don't care he is back and nothing is hard now

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