Chapter 26

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Classes go by fast and I find my self at my house looking at the clock for it to hit six so I can go to Liam's place.I decided to be simple and wore a pink long sleeved dress with black straps on the neck and reaches to my midyhigh and some black boots.I let my hair straightened down.I hear a knock on the door so I jump to open.
"Liam."I smile
"Kate you look amazing."He smiles
"Thanks."I blush
"Shall we?"He asks
"Lets go."I say and close the door behind me
After a small walk we reach his place
Liam knocks and a brunette opens
"Oh Kate it has been a while."She hugs me
"I missed you too Geniffer."I hug her
Geniffer is Liam's mom
"Come in please."She smiles
"Ben."She screams
"Yes Gen... Oh look who came."Ben smiles and hugs me
Ben is also Liam's dad he was an old solider with my dad
We sit in the living room for a while talking.
"Yeah.....those times will never come back."Ben smiles
"I remember how you two were best friends."Geniffer smiles
"You were so bubbly Kate."Ben adds
"Come on dinner is ready."Geniffer says
We all sit at the dinner table and I sit beside Liam.
We eat dinner and talk about almost everything that they missed.
"Take care of yourself Kate."Geniffer hugs me while standing beside the door
"Oh Kate wait."Ben comes with something in his hand
"Before we lost your dad he gave me this."He hands me a small wooden box
"It is for you."He smiles
"Thanks."I hold it
"Goodnight and thanks for the amazing dinner."I smile
"Goodnight sweety."Ben smiles and Liam walks me back to my house.
"I am sorry if they bothered you."Liam breaks the silence
"It is okay they are the only thing that remind me of the past."I smile
"Probably."He smiles
"So how is everything with Ava?"I ask
"It didn't really work out but she introduced me to her friend."His eyes ligh up
"Really what is her name?"I ask
"Sophia....she is just....amazing."He chuckles
"I am happy for you."I smile
After we arrive I say goodbye to Liam and enter my house.
"Hey mom."I greet
"Hey love can we talk for a bit."Mom says
Oh no
"Yes mom."I sit beside her
"How was your dinner?"She asks
"Good ."I say
"Well I am going to get to the point we decided when the wedding will be."Mom smiles
"Really?When?"I am happy for her
"The next monday."She laughs
"That is great mom I am so happy for you."
"Well the thing is....."She starts
Oh no there is the thing
"What mom?"I ask
"Kyle was transfered to a new place to the U.S.A."She starts
"So you will go with him?"I ask
"We will go with him."She sighs
"What could we leave."I stand
"Kate please you have to understand....I love him."She says
"Well and I love Harry and my friends how could I leave him?......Because I won't."I shout
"Kate don't act stupid your love is important too but...."She starts
"You are just like everyone else."I cry
"Honey if you want Harry can come with us."She pats my back
"Oh sure...he will just leave everyone here just to move with a girl he barely knows."I cry
"I am sorry Kate."She says
"But I am not ....I am not going with you."I whipe my tears
"Kate how will you possibly libe by yourself."She crosses her hands
"You are the worst mother in the world I wish dad was still here so he can stop your nonsense."I cry and run to my room.
I enter the door and lock it and jump on my bed crying.
How will I leave Harry....he is everything to me.
Then it hits me.....I gaze at the box for a minute then open it.
I find a letter so I quickly unfold it and start to read
Hey pumpkin we may never see each other again after today but I wanted to make sure you are happy and with the one you love.Don't let anyone stop you and never be afraid to tell what is in your mind I trust you my babygirl will never be defeated.And for last eventhough I am not there anymore I can still hear you.I love you remember that.
With all the love your Dad
I cry at the paper in my hand not just anycrying I scream and break.I can't take it anymore how will I survive after today.
And how will I tell Harry tomorrow
And by that I drift to sleep

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