Chapter 20

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I open my eyes to strong hands holding me still I turn to see Harry looking adorable and lightly snoring.I don't move so I don't wake him,I take a glance at the angelic boy beside and I was right to tell him that I love him .After a few minutes he start opening his eyes.
"Morning."I smile
"Morning."He says and I almost melt his morning voice is so sexy.
"What time is it?"He asks getting up
"I don't know...I got up before you."I smile
"What were you doing?"He asks pulling a shirt over is head
"Checking how you sleep adorably."I giggle
"Did I just say that out loud?"I say shocked
"You did."He laughs
"Get up princess"He stretches his hand to get me up.
"I will take a shower and be right back."I say and he nods
"I will be down if you need any help.."He smirks
"Prevert."I laugh
"Questioning my nobility ?I am hurt."He put his hand over his heart and acts hurt
"Get out."I push him
"You don't want me to see you naked?"He laughs
"I just..."I blush
"No thing I haven't seen or liked."He smirks and closes the door behind him.
After I take a shower I dry my hair and put on a beyje legging and black top with NYC in silver.I slip into my black toms and get down.
I see Harry already dressed.
"We are going out for breakfast."He smiles
"Okay."I simply say.
The car ride is silent and I know why both of us can't stop thinking about Lyly.I don't kbow if Chloe is right or not but I have a feeling that she is close.But will I find her
"Love I promised you that you will find her."Harry says
"How did you know that I was thinking about her?"I ask and look outside the window
"I know you more than you know yourself."He says and pulls
"We are here."He says
We enter a small resturant and it looks cute
We take a seat and soon someone takes our orders.
"Harry look behind you."I whisper
Harry turns to see a blinde girl
"She is wearing our school's sweatshirt."I whisper
"So?"He asks
"She looks young."I say
"You are nosy."He chuckles
"But you love me anyway."I say and my phone rings
"Who is it?"He asks
"Chloe."I blurt
"Well answer ."He says and I do
"I will open the speaker."I say and he nods
"Kate love how are you?"She asks
"Chloe get to the point."I say
"Oh what an awkward situation."She mocks
"I thought about it and I will tell you who lyly is."She says
"Who is she?"I ask
"Under one condition."She says
"Break up with Hazza."She says
"What ?Are you nuts?"I say and Harry widdens his eyes
"Well you promised Lyly to find her."She laughs
"No...I won' him...I..."I start to say but Harry cuts me off
"Chloe what ever dirty game you are playing we are not in it ."Harry says
"Okay.... "She laughs then hangs up
Harry and I stay in silence untill our food comes.We finish eating and I feel Harry's hand on mine.
"Hey we will get through this."He rubs my hand
"I know."I sigh
"If it makes you feel better you can talk to that blonde girl."He smirks
"You are the best ever."By that I jump amd drag him to where she is sitting
"Hello."I smile at the girl with a braid
"Hi."She smiles back
I am Harry Styles and this is my girlfriend Kate Jones ummm....we were wondering if you go to the London's Education Heritage School ?"(I made up the name )Harry asks
"Yes."She simply says
"Which grade are you?"I ask
"I am in grade 12."She smiles
"Wow but you are young."I say
"You are with the same grade as us."Harry says
"How old are you?"I ask
"I am 15."She smiles
"How?"I ask again
"Well I was ahead of my grade and studies so I skipped a few."She says shyly
"You must be brilliant."Harry smiles
"I am Emelia by the way."She says
"Well Emelia if you need anything just tell us."Harry says
"Thanks."She smiles
"We have to get going now."I smile
"Okay see you guys later."She waves
After Harry pays we head out to his car
"Where to now?"He asks
"I want to go home now you have studying to catch on and I can't be a distraction."I say
"Okay."He laughs
"Kate...Chloe said that Lyly is near don'r you remember bumping into some one like her in the past two days
"Ummm....I don't remember.....oh wait yes."I clap my hands
"How was I so blinde."I slap my forehead
"Ross he has a step sister her name is Lilian."I say
"How does she look."Well I don't remeber much about Lyly but she has those eyes."I say
"Kate I think we found Lyly."Harry smiles
"Oh my God Harry."I hug him
"Eyes on the road."He laughs and I let him go
"Here you go love."He parks the car infron of my house
"Be carefull."He plants a small kiss on my lips
"I will."I say and open the door
I wave to him as he goes then I open the door
"Helen."I say while I enter
"Mom."I say again
"Ummm Kyle."I say but no one answers
"Well well well.....look who showed up."I hear a voice and I know exactly who is it......

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