Chapter 7

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I wake up and I am in the best mood ever nothing can make me mad nope.
I jump out and take a bath and brush my teeth then throw on a black legging and a white shirt with "90" on it and a black sweater I let my hair down and head to the living room.
"Someone is happy."Mom says
"So much....everything is just perfect."I laugh
"That is wonderful sweety."Helen says
"Mom I will take my breakfast to gonI want to go to the park."I say
"Okay sweety have fun."Mom says and takes a sip of her tea.
Helen gives me a paper bag and I hold my stuff and head out.
The gentle breeze outside plays with my hair and I continue to walk.I reach the empty park and take a seat on the bench I open my book and dig in it.
"Hello."Some one says I look up to see a guy.
"Umm hey."I smile
"I am Liam."He says
I take a glance at him before I recognize him.
"Li?"I gasp
"Kate. "He hugs me
Liam's father was with my father in army but they moved away after my father died.
"You live here now?"I ask
"Yeah my father got transfered to here."He sits beside me
"I missed you so much."I say
"Me too."He holds my hand
"I can't believe your back."I say
"Well I am never leaving again."He says
Liam and I catch on with our lives and turns out he is going to my school.
"What about your love life."He asks and I giggle
"His name is Harry."I smile
"No way the same old Styles."He gasps
"Yup that is the one."I say
"Interesting."He laughs
"He is really sweet."I blush
"You should come for dinner."I say
"I can't I am helping my parents with the house today how about tomorrow?"He asks
"Deal."I say
"I have to go now

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