Chapter 10

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After finishing breakfast Chloe and I walk to school and she reminded me every second to stay calm.I know I am not sobbing and I am acting not hurt but really if someone pokes me I will break.
"Here we are gate of death."Chloe rolls her eyes and we get in.I push my way to the lockers.Here he is standing carelessly with his bunch.
"Stay calm stay calm."Chloe whispers
I open my locker and take my books out not giving him a single glance.
Ava:"Oh my gosh Kate there is a new guy and he is hot as hell."She turns to talk to me
"Really?"I ask
"Yup his name is Liam I saw him minutes ago."She giggle
"Here he is."She points at Liam who is waving at me and Harry whiddens his eyes
"You know him?"She asks
"Yes he is my best friend."I say
"Li you made it. "I hug him
Ava pokes my side.
"Umm this is my friend Ava and this is Chloe."I smile
"Nice to meet you."He says to Ava
"And how could I forget Chloe."He smile and Chloe giggles
"I am Jessica."The demon speaks
And I roll my eyes
"Liam Payne."He smiles
"This is Zayn and Harry."She says to him Zayn gives him a smile while Harry stares at me....his eyes digging into my soul.
"Well I will see you around Li."Jessica winks at Liam
When Jessica leaves along with her bunch.
"Stay away from them."Ava and I say at the same moment causing Liam to chuckle.
"Don't worry love."He smiles
"What do you have firsr?"Ava asks
"Chemistry."He says
"Me too."Ava says
"Have fun I have Art."I tease
Ava claps her hands and drags Liam with her.
"Well see you..."I turn but Chloe was already gone.
I head to Art and ofcourse Harry is there I take a seat and as rude as he is he takes a seat beside me.
"So Liam will now be here like all the time."He says and I ignore.
"I asked a fucking question answer."He hits the table and I flinch
" stop talking to me."I say
"Why....Look Kate I..."He starts
"You are nothing."I say
"You know you can't stay away from me."He says slowly and I wish any student walks in fault for being early
"I know you like it when I whisper into your ear because it leaves goose pumps."He traces his finger on my neck
" I don't."I shutter
"Liar."He rubs his hand on my thigh
"S..sssstop."I beg
"Mmmm...I know you want me to make you feel good."He pins me to the wall and burries his head in my neck.
"No...get away from me."I push him
"Hard to get Ha?"He pulls me back and crashes his lips to mine.
"No."I push him
"Kate."His voice is higher now
" hurt me...alot...and and
....I don't like that."I cry
"Kate please I was jelouse."He comes closer
I look at him maybe he is right....Maybe I pushed him alot
"Okay."I sigh
"Good."He kisses me
What a way to solve a problem
"Mmmm."He says between the kiss and trails down my neck.
"I love you."He says
"Me too."I break the kiss as the bell rings
"I will see you."He says and I smile
"Hey can I sit here?"Louis asks
"Sure."I say
"You don't look okay."He says
"It's nothing."I say
"Harry?"He asks and I nod
"He made a fight out of nothing but we are okay now."I say and mix my colors
"Well that is Harry to all of us."He smiles
I rubb the brush hardly on the paper
"Love you need to be gentle."Louis says
"How?"I blurt out
"Here."He holds my hand and moves it slowly among the paper.
"Hello class."Mrs.Greg says
"Today I want you in pairs and one of the two will draw the other putting everything he feels into it."She says
"Can I be the one to paint you."Zayn asks and I notice how his eyes sparkle
"Sure."I smile
After class ends we head out and I look for Chloe to tell her that I want a raincheck since Harry and I are okay now.
I look everywhere but can't find her finally I head to the lab where she will certainly be using the mirrors to fix her makeup.And that when I saw them.
Harry and Chloe making out their hands are in each others hair and Chloe rapping her lags around his waist while he pinns her to the wall.
"Harry.....Chloe."I say and Harry drops her.
"Kate .....I....I can explain."She says
I...Kate it isn't what it looks like."Harry says
" please tell me I didn't just see that."I don't realize that I am crying untill I feel the tears on my shirt.
"Kate."Harry says and I run out
"Kate please."He shouts
How could he it hurts so bad to feel like that.
All of sudden I see Louis.
"Lou."I scream as Harry runs after me
"What....what is going on?"He asks
"Just take me away."I say
"Okay my car is over there."He says
Harry:"Kate please listen to me."
"Harry man leave her alone now."Louis says
"You shut the fuck up."He screams
"Kate...just ...fuck listen to me."He says
"No go away I hate you."I scream and get in the car
"Please Kate I love you."He slips a tear.
"Where to?"Louis asks
"Any place."I cry
After hours of driving it is already 6 I look at Louis who is confused as hell.
"What...what happened?"He finally asks
"I was looking for Chloe in the lab."A whimper escapes my mouth
"And I saw her and Harry making out."I cry
"What! that bastered."He hits the steering wheel
"I don't know what to do Louis it feels awfull."I cry
" is going to be okay."He hugs me
"Come on lets get you back to your place and I will stay with you untill you calm down."He says and I nod.
While driving I spot from a window a small bar.
"Louis pull over."I say
"What? Why? "He stops
I open the door and head toward it
"Where are you goaing?"He asks following me
"In there."I point at the bar
"What?No."He holds my hand
"Please Louis...I...I don't want to remember any of this."I begg
"Fine...but I am going with you."He says and I nod

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