Chapter 15

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Harry have been in this Coma for three month everyday after school I head to the hospital sit beside him read for him and tell him about my day and sometimes I sing for him.
The nurses said I was crazy but I know that he can hear me.To day my classes ended early so I have more time with Harry.
I enter his room it hurts me so much to see all these tubes and machines.
"Hello love."A tear escapes my eye
"I miss you...please Harry for me fight and get up."I say
"Harry I lo... "Before I continue a nurse calls me
"I will be right back."I tell him.
I go to the nurse and notice a tall man standing beside her
"Yes miss?"I ask
"Kate this is Joe Styles."She says
I look at him confused
"I am Harry's dad."He says and I notice the same green eyes and brown hair
Harry told me little about his father and he said he wasn't on best terms with him.And that he was rich yet never helped .....but I know that he is the one paying for him to stay in the hospital so I better act nice.
"Hello Mr.Styles."I shake his hand
"Kate...I watched you everyday you come here and stay with my son but you love him I know and it hurys me to say that he deserves to be free."He says and my heart sinks
The nurse interrupts: "The thing is love Harry is like dead only machines are making his heart beat no more....and those machines cost alot....."She says
"What do you mean?"I ask
"I mean that Harrt deserves to rest....he deserves mercy kill why are trapping him here Kate he is hurting he will never come back."His dad says
"And I can't pay to getting my son trapped in that machine....I talked to the doctor and they will unplug the machine giving him his rest."He says
"What? are crazy he is your son and I won't allow that."I say
"You have no authority on him I just wanted to inform you no more."He crosses his hands
"No please you can't."I beg
"I can and I will plus it costs alot you know."He grinns
"I will pay just please ....give him one more chance."I say
"Don't waste money on love....and as generous as I am I will let you stay with him this night before we turn off the machines tomorrow."He says and walks away.
After crying for ours beside Harry begging him to get up.I call everyone my friends asking them for help but they couldn't do a thing and Anne fainted the moment she knew what Joe was going to do.
I sit in the corridor with Anne who is wheaping.
"Can he do that with out you approval?"I ask
"Yes he has money and power."She cries
I can't let them do that to Harry and I won't.Kyle stays up all night trying to get the court to stop Joe but hopless.
At 12pm
This was it my last hour with Harry here I am sitting beside him holding his hand.
"Harry.....please wake up....for me."I cry
"For your mom."I cry
"I can't live without you I forgive you for everything."I say and kiss his cheeck
"I love you."I say and the door opens revealing two doctors and Joe
"No please don't do this."I say while the doctor starts to turn off the machines
"Wait a moment."I scream
"Give me one minute."I sigh
The doctors looka at each other and nod
I bend down beside Harry and say my last hope.
If getting defeated for you means winning your love and living the best moments with you even if you once hurted me than I am gald I am defeated by you and only you."And by that a miriclae happens.
Harry's hand moves to my cheeck and he opens his eyes weakly.
"And if by being defeated you mean making my heart beat and giving me feelings than I am defeated by you and only you."He says weakly and smiles
"I can't believe this."The doctor shouts
"Call all the nurses and doctors."He tells a nurse
"How did couldn't be."Joe gasps and soon the room is filled with nurses
"Harry."I cry and hug him
"Love."He whispers
"Please we need to take Harry into another room."A nurse says
"It is okay."He says holding my hand
Anne soon rushes in and kisses Harry
"Son."She cries she hugs him
"Okay everyone just calm down Harry just woke up he needs to be checked and needs lots of rest."The doctors says
"Five minutes ."Joe says and we all glare at him
"Okay."The doctors walk out
"Son."Joe opens his arms for Harry
"Stay the fuck away from me."Harry screams
"Don't think that I didn't feel everything."Harry says
"I felt everything like Kate was coming everyday reading and talking to me mom just kept on fainting and you."
Flash back
Harry's P.O.V
I can feel everything but I can't open my eyes or move I hear the door open and followed by heavy foot steps
"Harry."Some one laughs and not anyone dad
"Look at you even half dead your making me pay shit of loads for you."He pokes my hand and I want to strangle him but can't.
"Soon the court will approve and the doctors will turn off these machines and I won't be spending money."He says
"You could have it all work with me but no little Harry followed his mom...well let your mum get you out of trouble now."He mocks.
*end of flash back
Kate's P.O.V
Harry glares at his father who is know clenching his fists
"You will regret this Harry."He says
"No he won't."Anne says
"Why?Who is on his side?"Joe laughs
"Us."I see mom,Kyle,Louis and Ava.
"We'll see about that."He says
"Again you won't because if you come closer to Harry I will personally rip your eyes iff and feed them to you."I am surprised by my own words
"Out."Kyle says and Joe storms out
"Please we nees everyone to leave just to do some tests." A nurse says
"Sure."We all say
"I will see you after."I tell him and he smiles mouthing a thank you.
We all sit in the hallway
"We have out Harry back Lou."I tell Louis
"Yeah....I can't believe what happened it is like he woke up fir you."Ava says and Louis nods
Soon Anna looks at me then walks in my way
"Dear can I have a minute with you?"She asks
"Sure."I smile and walk with her.
We reach the garden in the hospital and she breaks the silence.
"I wished I have gotten to know you in better terms but the way you behaved to save Harry made me proud to see that he has gained your love."She smiles
"Kate you saves my son....when the doctor looked me in the eye I thought he was going to announce that Harry was dead, but he didn't he said it was a miricale."She hugs me
"Anne...Harry means alot to me and I promise I will never let him go."I say
"I would love that."She says
"Lets go in I know my son he is a cry baby."She laughs and I join her

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