Chapter 14

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The first week after Harry's coma was killing me going to classes without him not being able to tell him I love him.Today was another day at school mostly alot of students would give me a smile and tell me it is going to be okay.I was sitting in my Art class early painting when some one comes in.
"Kate?"Her voice kills me
"Chloe."I widden my eyes how coild she even talk to me after what happened
"I don't care about you,you should know that and poor Harry may die because of a girl like you."She says
"Shut the fuck up."I scream at her then spot Louis and Ava coming in
"Chloe piss off."He shouts
"Lou calm down."Jessica joins the party
"Lets go Chloe ."She smirks
That is right Jess we don't have time for orpahns."Chloe says
Oh no she didn't
With out any further a do I jump on Chloe practically ripping her hair.
"Get off me you freak."She screams
"Fuck you."I say
"Jess Help me."She screams
"Get off her."Jessica pulls me by my waist.
"You bitch get away from her."Ava slaps Jessica while Louis holds me
"Kate please."Louis tries
"You fucking bitch and your sick game."I scream hitting her.
Chloe falls to the ground and I sit on top of her.
"You were always jelous of me Ha? Funny for what ? Living without and a father and knowing that he was going to die yet couldn't stop him or for my mom who never had time for me and missed almost all mybirthdays or Lyly..."I scream still punching her and crying and tons of students watch us
"For what Chloe?Never I will be defeated you hear me not for you not.for anyone."I scream this time I freaze and shake.
"Kate."Louis holds me
"Kate can you hear me?"He says while I shake and cry
"AVA HELP ME."He shouts for Ava and they both carry me to the nurse.
After a few minutes I return from the break down I gulp on the glass of water that Louis hands me.
"Are you okay?"The nurse asks me
"Yeah can I have a minute alone with Louis."I say
"Sure after that the principal wants you."She says and I nod
"Kate love are you okay?"Louis sits beside me rubbing my hands
"No..L..Louis I need him beside me"I cry
He hugs me
" is okay."He pats my back
"I..I can't do it anymore."I cry
"Look at me when Harry wakes up and you arenot there for him what will he say."He looks into my eyes
"Fuck."I giggle
"Fuck."He laughs
"Stay strong."He holds my hand
"I will thanks Lou."I say
"No problem can I ask you a question?"He asks
"Sure."I say
"Who is Lyly?"He asks
"Oh Lyly....Umm it isn"t the best subject I like to talk about "I ask that brings alot of memories
"Oh."I all he says
"I understand love."He rubs my hand
"Whenever you want to talk about it I am here."He smiles
"Thanks Lou."I hug him and he never lets go
"Yeah I better see the principal."I say and break the hug
"Do you want me to come with you?"He asks
"No I will deal with it myself."I smile
While I walk to the principal alot of students look at me
"Way to go Kate."One says
"She deserved it...finally."Another laughs
"Stay brave ."One pats me before I knock and I return their gesture with a smile.
"Can I come in?"I ask
"Sure."Mr.Anderson our principal says
When I eneter I see Ava and Chloe and Jessica .Ava gives me a thump up.
"Kate I always expected great things from you."He crosses his hands
"I am sorry."I look down
"Well Ava here told me the story...and because of the hurtfull things that Chloe said."He glares at her
"You have nothing against you or Ava."He calmly says
"Thank you ."I smiel
"Chloe Jessica is there something you want to say to Kate."He says
"S..Sorry."Chloe mummbles
"Can we go now?"Jessica whines
"Sure but you still have detention."He says amd they storm out
Ava:"I better get going to my next class."She smiles and I nod
"Kate."The principal calls me
"Yes sir."I look at him before I close the door
"When ever some one bugs you tell me...don't be defeated by anyone ."He smiles
"Thanks."I say and close the door.
My day goes fast and I visit Harry and then come back and crash at me bed

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