Chapter 19

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I open my eyes to strong hands holding me still I turn to see Harry looking adorable and lightly snoring.I don't move so I don't wake him after a few minutes he start opening his eyes.
"Morning."I smile
"Morning."He says and I almost melt his morning voice is so sexy.
"What time is it?"He asks getting up
"I don't know...I got up before you."I smile
"What were you doing?"He asks pulling a shirt over is head
"Checking how you sleep adorably."I giggle
"Did I just say that out loud?"I say shocked
"You did."He laughs
"Get up princess"He stretches his hand to get me up.
"I will take a shower and be right back."I say and he nods
"I will be down if you need any help.."He smirks
"Prevert."I laugh
"Questioning my nobility ?I am hurt."He put his hand over his heart and acts hurt
"Get out."I push him
"You don't want me to see you naked?"He laughs
"I just..."I blush
"No thing I haven't seen or liked."He smirks and closes the door behind him.
After I take a shower I dry my hair and put on a beyje legging and black top with NYC in silver.I slip into my black toms and get down.
I see Harry already dressed.
We are going out
We end up shopping for him and I

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