Chapter 9

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I open my eyes to see Chloe sleeping on the ground with a blanket on her face.As I said I called her last night and she stayed over and I forgive her .But now what ....I am going to face him after yesterday he made a huge fight out of nothing.....
"Morning K."Chloe yawns
"Morning."I say
"When did you wake up?"She asks
"Like from two hours."I say
"Wow pretty much thinking."She gasps
" will be a very rough day."I smile
"You arenot alone...I am here.."She rubs my hand
"Lets get ready."I say and get up from my bed
I take a bath while Chloe changes she picked something from my closet which really doesn't matter we are like sisters.
I get out rapped in my robe.
"Kate I will go help Helen with breakfast."She says
"Okay."I agree
I take a black legging and white shirt and put on my black hat and some makeup to hide the bags under my eyes.I slip into my black converse and get down.
"Morning."I say
"Morning sweety how are you feeling?"Helen asks
"Better."I lie
"Where is mum?"I ask
"She went early."She smiles
"Oh."Is all I can say
"Come on I am starving."Chloe whines
"Ohhh dear."Helen laughs and starts preparing the table.
"Here you go."Helen smiles and rubs her hands
"Thanks Helen."Chloe stuffs a pancake in her mouth immediately
"Okay thanks Helen..umm you can take a day off."I say and sit
"Thank you so much."She says and holds her purse
"Be carefull."I say
She nods and hopes out
"Chloe."I say
"Yes."She answers gulping on her juice
"Do you want to go to a party?"I ask and she almost spits her drink
"Are you serious?"She asks and I nod
"I am still hurt and I need to get him off my mind."I say
"You got it but what about your mom?"She frowns
"She is out with Kyle and I told her that you will stay here so she can stay at his."I say
"You lied?"Chloe widdens her eyes
"A small one."I giggle
"Well I am happy to be your guide to the dark side."She smile
"Okay finish so we can go to school."I say
"Always a goody goody."She mummbles

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