Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes and remembered a new thing Harry is awake today his eyes are open.My heart fluttered and I smiled,I jumped to the bathroom and took a bath then brushed my teeth and put on black leggings and bright yellow top.and black converse amd brush may hair down.I pick up my bag and the one with exra clothing and head down.
"Mornong Helen."I say
Morning love your mom went early today and I made you a to go breakfast."She winks
"Thank you ."I grab the paper bag and run to the door
"Oh Kate."Helen shouts
"Yeah?"I stop
"Kyle left you something behind the door he said it would come in handy."She says
I look down at a box then open it and I cover my mouth with surprise is a blue skate board.
When I was little I used to love to skate.
I put my legs on it and it rolls.It goes fast and I pat my shoulder for using it.
It runs beside a car.
"Sorry."I scream for it.
I finally arrive after an adventure I hold the skateboard and enter when I notice a mop of curls and alot of people around it.
"Harry."I smiled and he did too
"Hi Kate."Zayn smilee
"Hey."I smiles back
"So Harry how are you know? "Niall asks
"Better I guess."He says
"Harry darling."Chloe joins
"Chloe I don't want to fight on the first day so.piss off."Harry quickly storms and Chloe shivers
"Okay...but I will see you later."She winks and walks away
The bell rings and I give Harry a quick kiss before I head to my class.
I notice a girl wandering in the halls and she looks very pretty.
"Hey sweety are you looking for someone? "I ask her
"Yes my brother."She smiles
"His name is Ross."She says
"Ross Camwell?"I ask...that guy is in my history class
"Yes."She sqeals
"Come I'll help."I tell her and she walks behinde me.We reach the history class and I call Ross.
"Hey Kate."He says to me not paying attention to the girl
"Hi Ross your sister was looking for you."I say and point to her.Ross lets out a huff and rolls his eyes
"What Lillian?"He asks
"You forgot your'e phone."She hands it to him
"Good now go home."He says
"Wait did you say your name is Lillian?"I ask her and she nods
"It is a beautiful name."I smile
"Thanks."With that she walks away
"Your sister is nice."I tell him
"She is my step sister."He says.
After my classes ends I ride with Harry back to his place.
"Is your mom here?"I ask
"No she left early today."He says and sits on the couch
"Oh I wanted to tell her goodbye."I fake pout.
"Well you can spend all the time with an old lady or your boyfriend no pressure."He smirks
"Prevert."I smirk back and walk to the kitchen and prepare some food.After we ate we finished studying and I feel exhausted.
"Baby you look half dead."Harry pats my head
"You don't say."I mock
"Go take a nap."He smiles
"Okay only becauase I will drop dead any minute if I don't sleep."I smile and stand up
"Sleep tight love."He smiles and I head to his bedroom and crash
After an hour I wake up and I stink so i decided to take a shower.I head to the bathroom and open the water
I stand under the hot water for sometime enjoying what it feels like.I take the shampoo and put it on my sculp.After I finish I wrap a towel around me and get out.Thank god Harry isn't here so I can change .I take my black tank top and jeans short and black converse.I brush my hair and dry it...suddenely music pumps in my ears.I open the bedroom door to see that there is a party.
I push my way downstairs looking for Harry.
I spot him next to Louis and Zayn and some girl .
"Harry."I pat his shoulder
"Oh Kate you are done?"He asks
"Yes and what is going on?"I ask
"Well we decided to throw Harry a welcoming party since we missed him alot."The girl says
"And you are?"I rudly ask
"I am Rachel."She says
"I am Kate."I say
"My girlfriend."Harry says ina deep and slow voice and my hearts flutters
"Oh."Rachel smiles
"Hey guys here is the drinks."A blonde girl says
"I am Perrie and you must be Kate....I heard alot of good about you."She smiles
"I like this one."I say and everyone laughs
"So Kate what took you so long."Louis asks
"She was taking a shower."Harry smirks
"Hey."Ross greets us
"They are playing truth or dare wanna come?"He asks us
"Sure Louis says
"Okay."Harry and the rest agree
"Kate are you coming?"Perrie asks
"Not really...I will catch with you later."I smile amd Harry mouth a Be Careful.
I walk by sweaty bodies or couples making out untill I spot Liam.
"Li."I wave at him
"Kate."He hugs me
"Why aren't you with Harry?"He asks taking a sip of his drink
"He is with his friends."I tell him
"Oh."He says
"He didn't even tell me about the party...."I start to say but my phone rings
"One sec."I walk outside and answer
"Hello."I asy
"Kate it is Chloe."She laughs
"What do you want?"I ask
"Just wanted to tell that some one special is in town."She giggles
"Who?"I ask
"Lyly."She says
"How do you know?"I ask
"My mom is a cop remeber and she saw that Lyly's real dad is in jail so she kept looking untill she found that she is adopted now and here in London."She says
"What do you want then?"I ask
rWait untill I call you again."She says amd hangs up.
I enter the house and after 6 hours the party is over and I end up cleaning.
"I am sorry Kate."Harry says
I have been giving him a silent treatment ,he should have told me about the party
"Fine Harry."I say picking up the cups
"Don't clean I will do it."He says
"No it is fine."I say louder
"No it is not."He says louder
"Yes just let me clean."I say holding a bag
"Kate don't act like this."He begs
"I am sorry Hazza I am just scared."I say
"Tell me."He makes a puppy face and god damn it I can't resist that.
"Just...ahhhh."I let out a huff and sit on the floor
"Are you okay?"He asks sitting beside me.
"No."I say
I tell him what Chloe said and he seems so understanding.
"So what are you going to do now?"He asks
"Wait till she calls again."I say
"Baby come here."He opens his arms.
I nuzzle in his neck and he pulls me closer playing with my hair.
"Don't worry love."He kisses my temples
"We will search the globe for her."He smiles
"What will I do with out you?"I smile
"Lets hope that that day never comes."He says
"Since we are done cleaning and my baby is upset I will agree to any movie you pick."He says slowly making my heart melt at him calling me baby.
"How a bout a zombie movie yet romantic."I ask
"Sneaky so I can watch and you can cuddle."We stand up
"You got that right."I smile
"Here."He puts some snacks on the table
"There."I challenge and put the drinks
He smirks and takes a set of movies out
"Which one?"He asks
"You have warm bodies I love this movie."I smile
"Yeah I thought it have something to do with know scratch that parr."He quickly acts inocent.
"Emmhmmm."I raise an eyebrow at him
"Come here baby."I mock him
"As a matter of fact."He tackles me to the couch tickelimg me.
"Stop it please."I laugh trying to kick him
"I can't breath."I try to push him
"I want something in return."He continues to tickle me
"Anything please Hazz."I am out of breath
"A kiss."He says
"Anything."I laugh
He stops
"Where is my kiss now?"He pouts
"Be a good kid and don't black mail me then you will get a kiss."I smile and pimch his cheecks
"No fair."He pouts
" is fair sir."I smile while he starts the movie.
We have the best night ever while Harry mocks the zombies and I laugh so hard then we got sleepy and nuzzled in his bed while he held me tightly

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