Chapter 27

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I open my swollen eyes from crying barely able to move and I look horrible.I crawl out and the letter is still in my hand I get into the bathroom and take a quick bath then dress in my gray sweatpants and black sweatshirt then put my hair into a messy bun.I look at the black bags under my eyes but I seriously don't have the power to put makeup so I just grab my bag and climb down.
"Kate."Mom says as I reach the door
"Kate."She says again but this time I am already out of the house.
I walk to school early so I have time to see Flora.
"Morning Kate."Flora smiles
"Morning."I cough
"You don't seem so...."She tries
"Alive?"I mock
"What happened?"She asks as she prepares my usual
"Mom's boyfriend has to transfer to the U.S.A for work and mom decided that we will leave London amd go with him."I sigh
"Oh....I am sorry to hear that."She places the coffee infront of me
"What about Harry?"She asks
"I don't know and I won't be selfish amd ask him to come along."I say and a tear slip from my eye
"Oh dear."Flora says
"Maybe it is for the best."She tries to give me a smile
"When are you leaving?"She asks
"I don't know."I say
I stay for a while untill I finish my cup then head out after I pay I heas straigh to the lockers to avoide any conversation
"Morning love."Harry says
"Morning."I avoide any eye contact
"You okay you look dead."He tries to cheer me up
"Yeah."I say
"Are you coming to my place today?"He asks
"Probably."I want to spent as much time as I can with him
"Okay."He kisses my cheeck
"Kate.....did I do something to upset you?If I did I am so sorry."He says
I look at Harry and my heart sinks how will I be able to live with out him
"Harry come here."I tell him and he comes closer
"Meet me at the garden at lunch."I say and his face is drained of colors
"I love you."I say and he lets out a breath
He nods then I walk back to my class,I have art.
"Morning."I take a seat next to Emelia
"Morning."Emelia replies
"Wow you look as dead as I am."I say she is....she has black bags under her eyes and her braide is messy with sweatpants and tank top.
"Yeah I am passing through hard times."She says
"You can share."I say and take out my colors and brush
"I am getting adopted."She sighs
"What?Why?"I ask
"My dad turned out to be a stranger."She sighs
"He isn't my real dad."A tear slips her eye
"I have always new it since that day I new it."She sighs
"How?"I ask
"All I know is when my mom died she told her best friend to take care of me."She starts to cry
"Lets go to the bathroom."I take her hand
Fortunatelly the bathroom is empty
"Tell me in details love."I say
"Well.... my mom was a .....she was a...."She cries
"Emelia."I hug her
"She had to be a baby doll."She cries and I palm my mouth
"My dad was a drunken idiot who left us and she tried to work but she ended up being a baby doll to earn money."She cries harder
"And she got somekind of desease and died."She puts her hand on her eyes
"But before....when she knew about her desease she asked her best friend to take care of me and never to mention that she was a baby doll or else I would be ashamed."She whipes her tears
"When did all of that happen."She died "When I was like 8 month but the man who I am living with told me the story he had an affair with mom once but stopped because he fell in love with her and when she died he kept searching for me in hope that I would be his daughter and when he found me I was like four so he took me and claimed that he was my father."She cries again
"Why did he take you?"I ask
"He was worried that my mom's friend won't take good care of me and he said that I was the only thing left from my mother."She sniffles
"And why did he decide to tell you that now."I ask
"He is sick."She says
"He doesn't want to die in guilt."She cries
"What are you going to do?"I hug her
"Probably get adopted."She cries
"Why do all people lie Kate?"She cries
"Tell me about it."I join her
"My mom and Kyle are leaving London to live in U.S.A and I am forced to go with them."I cry
"Life suck."She pulls back
"Yeah."It seems like a bad day for everyone
"How much time you have left in London?"She asks waching her face
"A month max."I do the same
"I will miss you when you leave."She says
"I will miss you when you leave."I say
It is like I have known you my entire life."Emelia says
"Me too."I sigh
"Actually....."I start
"No forget it."I giggle
"Yeah in our condition we should laugh like idiots instead of crying it helps."She laughs
"Yeah lets go back before the teacher notices."I say
"Thanks."She says as we walk back
"That is what friends are for."I smile
After my classes fly lunch arrives.
I head to the garden to see Harry waiting for me
"Hey."I give him a smile
"Hey."We sit on the famous bench
"Remember the first time we sat here?"I ask him
"Yeah... I knew I liked you that day."He smiles
"Me proved that you are trust worthy."I smile
"So what did you want to talk about?"He asks
"Harry it breaks my heart to say this...."I take a breath
"Baby say it we will solve whatever we want together."He scoots closer and takes a lock of my hair in hand
"Harry we are moving."I quickly say
"What?"He asks
"I am so sorry I tried to stop them but Kyle is moving and mom wants to go with him and I just....."I say fastly and he places his finger on my lips
" it isn't your fault."He hugs me
"Where are you moving to?"He asks
"U.S.A."I sigh
"Wow that is far."He takes a breath
"I understand what ever you will make or say."I sigh
"Kate I love and if I had to fly to the U.S.A everyday just to see you I will."He says
"I would never let you suffer like that."I put my hand over his cheeck
"Mom is so selfish she even told me to ask you if you want to come along."I huff
"She did?"He asks
"Yeah ."I sigh
And he smiles I look up to see his grin
"Would you come with us?"I ask with shocked eyes
"I thought you would never ask."He smirks
"You are really willing to move with me and sacrifice everything leaving your country and friends and family for me?"I ask
"What friends Jessica or Chloe and what family my mom or my step dad?Kate you are my love and my only family."He hugs me
"I can't believe this....Harry you are the most amazing person ever."I kiss his cheeck
"Only for you baby."He pecks my lips
We kiss for some time untill we hear the bell ring
"We should go now."He says
"Yeah."We stand and walk hand in hand
"If I will move in I have a condition."He smirks
"And what's that?"I ask returning the evil grin
"I want to share a room with you."He smirks
"Harold Edward Styles."I scold him
"Oh please you like it.....I bet you are thinking of what we can do right now."He smirks
"Prevert."I elbow him
"I will be here all weak thank you."He smiles and we enter the gate again

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