15. Design Dilenma

Start from the beginning

"What happened to knocking or, you know, just opening the door like a normal person?" I grumbled.

As my father's voice continued from the phone, Damien interjected, drawing my attention back to his arrival.

"Lukas, is everything alright over there?" my father inquired with concern.

"Yeah, Dad, I told you. Something just came up. I'll call you back later, Dad, and I'll be sure to turn on the news," I assured him before ending the call.

"What's this about news? What's going on?" I demanded, growing increasingly frustrated.

Damien held up his tablet and played a video clip, revealing shocking information about our competitors, Deluxe Designs.

"Deluxe Designs has given Noble Couture a run for their money by announcing their intention to start making women's wear and releasing a new line of clothing. With new competition in the line, what is the Playboy Prince going to do now? Is his lack of competence finally being revealed? Is this what happens when you've had everything handed to you on a silver platter all your life?" the news anchor's voice boomed, her words a harsh blow.

My shock and confusion deepened. Deluxe had always focused exclusively on menswear. This sudden shift in their strategy was unexpected and posed a significant threat.

"That's not all, Lukas," Damien added gravely. "They've sprung this information out of nowhere, and Christopher is already out giving interviews."

A sense of dread settled over me as I watched Christopher on the screen, his words sending shivers down my spine.

"I decided to widen our range so that we could also cater to female customers because everyone deserves to look stunning," Chris declared with a smirk, his tone infuriatingly smug.

The world around me seemed to crumble as I grappled with this unexpected twist in the competition, my mind racing to find a solution to this new and formidable challenge.

Amid the chaos of the office, the news of Deluxe Designs' sudden shift in focus echoed in my mind like a relentless drumbeat. My initial shock gave way to a potent mix of frustration and determination. How could we respond to this unexpected challenge? It was as if the ground had shifted beneath our feet, and our carefully laid plans were now in jeopardy.

I turned to Damien, my voice firm despite the turmoil in my thoughts. "We need to address this immediately. I want a crisis meeting with the entire team in the next hour."

Damien nodded in agreement. "I'll get everyone together. We need to strategize and fast. This changes everything."

As he left my office to organize the meeting, I leaned back in my chair, running my hands through my hair in frustration. This was a crisis unlike any we had faced before, and the timing couldn't have been worse.

Ethan, who had been standing in the corner of my office, watching the news clip in stunned silence, finally spoke up. "Lukas, I'm sorry about earlier. I know things are bad, but we can't let this derail us. We've overcome challenges before."

His words, though well-intentioned, grated on my nerves. "Ethan, this is different. Our entire plan for the new line is based on the assumption that we're the sole players in this market. Now, suddenly, we have a formidable competitor right on our heels. We can't underestimate what this means for Noble Couture."

Ethan's expression was one of determination. "Then, let's adapt. We'll work day and night if we have to. We'll come up with something that puts us back on top."

While I appreciated Ethan's optimism, the weight of the situation bore down on me. "It's not just about working harder, Ethan. We need a game-changing idea, something that sets us apart. We can't afford to be reactive; we must be proactive."

As the minutes ticked away, I realized that the next few days would be critical. We had to regain our footing, find a unique selling proposition, and reassure our investors and customers that Noble Couture was still the industry leader.

The crisis meeting convened, and the tension in the room was palpable. We brainstormed, debated, and dissected every aspect of our upcoming launch. It was clear that we needed to pivot and create a brand-new narrative that would capture the market's attention while simultaneously addressing the loss of our designs and documents.

Hours turned into late evening as we hashed out our new strategy, taking into account the missing files. Despite the exhaustion, there was a spark of determination in our team's eyes. We refused to let this unexpected competition and the loss of our work crush us.

By the time we wrapped up the meeting, I felt a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. We had a plan, a bold and innovative approach that would not only counter Deluxe Designs but also redefine the fashion industry. The next two weeks would be intense, but I was ready to lead Noble Couture through this challenge and emerge stronger than ever.

As the team dispersed, I returned to my office, weary yet resolute. I knew that this was a pivotal moment in the company's history, and I was determined to ensure that Noble Couture would rise to the occasion and continue to set the standard in the world of fashion.

Completely off, but writers block is a major bitch😭😭

I know where I'm going but at the same time I don't 🤦‍♀️

I wanna hear your thoughts and suggestions too btw.

Don't forget to tap that little star down there and vote for good luck (trust me, it works). Okay then. Bye guyssss

~Kyra 🫶

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