10. Definitely Not Strange At Allllll

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Dedicated to quakers5020  because girllll😭✨

The office environment grew increasingly hectic as the release date for our upcoming clothing line drew nearer. The entire team was caught up in a whirlwind of preparations and last-minute adjustments.

My days were now consumed by back-to-back interviews, photo shoots, and meetings with various stakeholders. It seemed like every moment was dedicated to ensuring the success of the launch. The pressure was mounting, but I was determined to prove my capabilities and meet the high expectations set for me.

Amidst the flurry of preparations, I found myself pushed into the spotlight even more than before. The upcoming launch of the new clothing line meant that I had to engage in a whirlwind of social networking events, official parties, and various public appearances. Despite the added pressure, there was an underlying excitement that kept me going.

This project was a significant milestone for me, one that held a deeper meaning. It was the first major initiative my father had entrusted me to oversee independently. As a result, I was determined to prove my capabilities, not only to myself but also to him. This was my chance to demonstrate that I was more than capable of delivering exceptional results.

As part of the preparations, my calendar was jam-packed with events that required me to put myself out there. Networking became a constant activity, as I connected with partners, influencers, and industry insiders. The official parties were a mix of business and pleasure, where I navigated conversations with finesse, always mindful of the image I projected. I may have had a notorious playboy reputation, but my professionalism was still undeniable.

Tonight, I found myself at a lavish event hosted by one of Noble Couture's major shareholders. The venue exuded opulence, with dimmed lights casting a warm glow across the room adorned with elegant decorations. Chatter filled the air as people mingled, glasses of champagne in hand, the clinking of glasses and laughter creating a symphony of celebration.

I maneuvered through the crowd, skillfully engaging in conversations that spanned from the latest fashion trends to insightful industry discussions. The exchange of business cards and introductions seemed ceaseless, yet beneath the surface, a genuine passion for connecting with fellow fashion enthusiasts and industry insiders propelled me forward.

"Hello, Luke," a voice called out.

I turned to face the speaker, only to be confronted with the presence of the most irritating individual I knew. He sported his signature sunglasses, an emblem that never seemed to leave his face. Despite the fact that we were indoors in a dimly lit hall during the evening, he seemed intent on maintaining his image.

"What do you want, Chris?" I couldn't hide the sharp edge in my voice as I addressed him.

"Just offering a friendly greeting," he replied nonchalantly, his tone as smug as ever.

Christopher Wilson, a name synonymous with my intense dislike. Our paths had crossed at a business party nearly a year ago, and from the very first moment, I couldn't stand him. A man of pride and vanity, Chris also worked in the fashion industry, with his brand, Deluxe Designs, specializing in menswear.

"And what brings you to this event?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, my skepticism evident.

"Well, you see, I received this thing called an invitation from the gracious host of this gathering," he responded with a smirk. "And upon discovering that my dear best friend, Lukas King, was gracing the event with his presence, I simply couldn't resist attending."

"By the way, where's that little secretary of yours, hmm? I don't seem to see him anywhere," Chris asked, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"That's none of your—" I began to retort, my irritation flaring up. However, my words trailed off as I finally noticed that Ethan was no longer standing beside me.

Suppressing my frustration, I scanned the room and quickly spotted Ethan, standing in a corner with an air of awkwardness. He was holding a drink and appeared to be attempting—rather poorly—to blend into the background. It was an attempt at being inconspicuous that was doomed from the start. The sight of him in such a state left me bemused and concerned all at once.

Deciding to put Chris aside for the moment, I made my way over to where Ethan was.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" I inquired, my tone a mix of confusion and genuine interest.

"Huh? Nothing, I'm absolutely fine," Ethan replied, his words sounding a bit rushed.

Just then, Chris walked up to where Ethan and I were standing. I had seen his face way too many times in one evening than I'd like to.

"Hey there, Luke," Chris chimed in. "Hello, Mr Driscoll."

"Don't you have something else to do other than bother us?" I retorted, my patience wearing thin.

"Come on now, Luke," Chris replied with a smirk. "I'm your senior after all. Shouldn't you be thankful that I want to socialize with you?"

"You never miss an opportunity to inflate your ego, do you?" I shot back, not in the mood for his condescending attitude. "And besides, you're not even that much older than me."

"You should learn a thing or two from your secretary, Luke," Chris continued, his gaze shifting to Ethan. "See how he's always on his best behavior?"

I clenched my jaw, struggling to maintain my composure. "Stay away from my secretary, Chris."

Chris smirked and strolled past us, but not before stopping to whisper something in Ethan's ear. Whatever he said seemed to have an immediate impact on Ethan, who froze in his tracks.

"What did he say to you? And are you sure you're fine? You're looking terribly flushed, Ethan."

"Hmm, yes. I'm gonna... go to the bathroom," Ethan muttered, his words hurried as he practically sprinted off.

Okayyyyyyy, definitely not weird.

The rest of the evening unfolded with a mix of conversations, introductions, and the continuous swirl of activity that such events always brought. Ethan eventually reappeared from his extended "bathroom" break about half an hour later. His face was flushed, and he seemed to be breathing heavily.

"What the hell, Ethan? Did you run a marathon in the bathroom?" I exclaimed, half-joking but mostly concerned.

"I told you, Lukas, I'm fine. You worry too much," Ethan replied, his voice wavering slightly. Despite his words, there was a hint of shakiness in his tone.

Though I was still worried, Ethan's demeanor made it clear that he wasn't comfortable discussing whatever had happened. Reluctantly, I decided to respect his boundaries and not press the issue further. After all, the last thing he needed was more unwanted attention or stress.

With the night winding down, the event came to a close, and guests began to depart. As I made my way out, my mind was still preoccupied with the unusual events of the evening—the encounter with Chris, Ethan's sudden discomfort, and the enigmatic behavior of both Damien and Ethan.

As I stepped into the night, a sense of unease settled over me. There were mysteries lurking beneath the surface, and it seemed like the closer I got to unraveling them, the more complicated things became. The days ahead were sure to be eventful, and I was determined to find the answers I sought, even if it meant navigating through a labyrinth of secrets and emotions.

10 chapters in and I'm only just now realizing I didn't even write a description for this book 💀😭😭

I just wrote a prompt I had in mind when I first thought of it because Wattpad wouldn't let me go further without actually putting something in the description box

It's so crazy that people still saw that one crazy line and thought, "yes".

Anyways, do y'all think should I just leave it like that or write an actual description?


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