Happiness Round The Corner

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3 years later,Samar and Nayan's residency.

Nayan hugs Samar sideways and says excitedly "Samar, I can't believe our little one will be here soon. It feels like just yesterday we found out we were expecting".

Samar reciprocate her hug with equal affection"I know, Nayan. It's incredible how time flies. I still remember the day we went to the doctor's and received the news. I was overjoyed and terrified all at once".

Nayan laughs and recalls "Yes, you were quite the bundle of emotions that day. But seeing your face light up with excitement made everything feel right. I knew we were ready for this new chapter in our lives".

Samar holds her hands with enigmatic smile playing on his lips "And you've been so strong throughout this pregnancy, Nayan. I admire your resilience and determination. Growing a tiny human inside you is no easy task, but you've handled it with grace".

Nayan kisses his hands and says "Thank you, Samar. It hasn't been easy, but knowing that I have you by my side has made all the difference. Your support and love have given me the strength to face each day with a smile"

Samar drags her to his chest and says "I wouldn't have it any other way, my love. You and our baby mean the world to me. I promise to always be there for you, both during the pregnancy and beyond".

Nayan's eyes were brimmed with fresh tears of happiness. She smiles and says"I know you will, Samar. And I can't wait to see you become a father. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be amazing at it. Our child will be so lucky to have you as their dad."

Samar almost blushing  replies "Thank you, Nayan. I'm nervous, of course, but I'm also thrilled to embark on this new adventure with you. We'll learn and grow together as parents, and I have no doubt that we'll do a great job".

Nayan while opening her chocolate fudge "Absolutely, Samar. We have a strong bond, and that will only strengthen as we become parents. Our love will guide us through any challenges that come our way".

Samar smiles and makes her eat the fudge" I couldn't agree more, Nayan. Our love is the foundation of our family, and it will carry us through the ups and downs of parenthood. I'm so grateful to have you as my partner in this beautiful journey".

Nayan recalls her past and smiles "Because of you, I was able to erase all the painful memories of my childhood and losing Aarav bro.And I'm grateful to have you, Samar. You bring so much joy and stability into my life. I can't wait to welcome our little one into this world and watch them grow, knowing that we created this beautiful life together."

Samar plugs in the television and says"Me neither, Nayan. Our lives are about to change in the most incredible way, and I couldn't be more excited. Let's cherish these last few weeks of pregnancy and prepare ourselves for the greatest adventure of our lives".

Nayan holds Samar's hands while watching a movie together "Agreed, Samar. Our little bundle of joy is almost here, and I couldn't be more ready to embrace motherhood with you by my side. Together, we'll make this journey unforgettable".

Samar starts their favourite movie and brings caramel popcorn.

Nayan snuggles closer to Samar" You know, watching this movie makes me think about the kind of parents we want to be. What kind of values do we want to instill in our child?".

Samar answers thoughtfully" That's a great question, Nayan. I think first and foremost, we should teach our child the importance of kindness and empathy. To always treat others with respect and compassion".

Nayan nods her head in agreement "Absolutely. I want our child to grow up understanding the value of love and acceptance. No matter what differences they encounter in the world, I want them to embrace diversity and be open-minded".

Samar almost grinning says "And let's not forget about the importance of chasing dreams. I want our child to know that they can achieve anything they set their mind to, as long as they're willing to put in the effort".

Nayan almost teary-eyed "That's beautiful, Samar. I hope our child inherits your determination and your never-give-up attitude".

Samar while holding Nayan's hand "And I hope they inherit your strength and resilience. You've been so amazing throughout this pregnancy, Nayan. I know you'll be an incredible mother".

Nayan almost blushing "Thank you, Samar. I have the best partner by my side, and I know we'll navigate this parenthood journey together".

Samar placing a gentle kiss on Nayan's forehead "Always, my love. We're in this together, and I couldn't be more excited for our future as parents".

As the movie continues to play, Nayan and Samar hold each other, their hearts filled with anticipation and love for the little one soon to join their family. They know that no matter what challenges they may face, their unwavering commitment to raising a kind, compassionate, and determined child will guide them every step of the way.

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