Things Changed..For Good or Worse?

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"Are you out of your mind Suhana!?..You asked him to wait for 6 more months..If you have lost your love he is too alone without his Dadi or brother. Nayan was in depression since last 2 years. It was Sumit's efforts and Samar's love which rekindled hope in her. Please Suhana try to understand it"said Aahana while putting her 2 months daughter to sleep.

"Di.. relax yourself first. I know what I did. I asked him for some time as I want to confirm my feelings towards him. I loved Aarav and all of sudden he died. Kairav owns his heart but maybe the feelings towards me are not pure..I need to understand his sanity for me" replied Suhana sitting on the bed.

Suhana was waiting for Kairav at the cafe.He called her up moments ago that he was stuck in traffics leaving Suhana with no choice other than observing all fine details of the place.

Suhana had chosen a secluded corner for herself away from the hustle bustle of the seemingly busy cafe.She could hear some woman rambling about her kitty party, two kids were trying to run around embarrassing the parents.Suhana smiled watching their plight.Kairav would love to capture those naughty kids antics in his camera.He loves doing those stuff.Observing people,clicking candid moments.Moments which are not so big still somehow surreal in this mundane life.

Kairav lives for those moments.
Whenever he got something like this,he would capture them all -either in his camera's lens or in his paintings.Or just scribble something about those moments. Its like he wanna grasp whatever forms of happiness he could possibly manage and hold onto it.

For him, happiness lies in all those things and he seemed to be in a hurry to let none of them go.As if he was scared.As if things will go away if he doesn't immortalise them in some form.As if he couldn't hold onto his happiness before.As if he couldn't have that one picture,one painting of something so special that he ended up living his life compensating that one loss.This thought kinda made Suhana agitated.

.Fear for the unknown truth, unseen fact which might turn into something really ugly.He is afraid that his faceless warrior guy might be just a friction of his imagination. Fear of a future where he would be just a guy living in fools paradise.Fear of being a boy who never actually learnt to grow up and let go.

Those stark diferences and possibillities between those two emotion left Kairav confused,vulnerable and somehow broken- all his life.

And he resorted to make it his aim of life that same thing should never repeat.So he took it all-whatever he got.He never left a chance to miss even a tinge of happiness.His 'What if' query looming and lurking around the corner of his mind like always.What if he never saw something beautiful again,what if he never clicked such a pretty smile again,what if he let go and forget the amazing moment he shared with a random guy.Just like he forgot his parents's face.He could not allow that.Not anymore.

It didn't end there.What if it all went down?What if all the fortune he was blessed upon is just a mirage?like his father.What if he was not important anymore and people forget him.Better,he made sure to keep the memory intact and awesome while it lasted.And hence came his never-ending efforts of making people happy.

Everytime Kairav became so giddy and awestruck with Suhana's simplest loving gestures,it hurt her.It hurt her like something was shoved directly inside her chest and left her breathless.Everytime Kairav gave her that 'you are unbelievable' look,instead of feeling happy,Suhana just felt hollow inside. How much he lost to get dazzled with so little?how come he felt surprised with something which was rightfully his?

He had been dealing with a lifelong of what ifs which Suhana couldn't tolerate anymore.Enough was enough.

She had been trying her best to locate his heart.Whenever that happens,she would firmly stood beside him and let him deal with it.

The chiming sound of door made her turn and she smiled.Kairav was here.

She had her closure.Now,she will make sure her man got his.

"I was 9 when my parents died in an accident. At that time, I was very angry with them as they were leaving me alone on my birthday. I was upset and told them I don't need them. And guess what Samar,God snatched them from me..I couldn't even tell them how much I love them or I could even say a sorry to them. Since then my brothers were my family till Aarav bhaiya too left me. Dadi never liked me cause I was girl child..I grew up without any affection from her" said Nayan almost tearing up.

"Think about our family Nayan..I am your Nani..this society doesn't accept a daughter as an heir" said Aparna, Nayan's maternal grandmother.

"And what society are you talking about? Again, you might have protected your family from any humiliation that your son caused. You couldn't protect me. Even after sending me miles away, society taunted me. Are you interested in knowing the names I was bestowed upon by this society? " Aahana and Samar try to stop Nayan but in vain.

"Let me list it out for you. I have been called a home breaker. I have been called a thief, charity case, dog, burden, etc, etc by this society. Such amazing names right? Now how do I go tell this society that whoever decided to break my family, didn't even bother to ask me once? How do I prove it to the world that I am not that person? My brothers taught me to not be affected by it. But it does affect me. Because you just cannot understand why you are getting hurled with so many accusations without being responsible for anything? You tell me! Why was I blamed? Why am I always being questioned? Why is my love and my upbringing always being questioned? Why do people find things wrong with me when my family couldn't take care of me? Why? Do you have any answers to this? Tell me! Please tell me!" Nayan cries and falls down on her knees.

"Calm down Nayan..Relax please" Samar requested.

"I don't know. You know, it hurts more when someone you least expect it from, hurts you that way. You are, were my dadi. Dadi's are supposed to love their grandkids more than anyone else. Did you not love me that much? Or was your love so weak that you were able to let go of me?" Samar looks down with guilt. He knows Nayan's words also indicated towards him leaving her alone at the resort.

Whatever the case would be, she would have never expected him to leave her alone. Maybe he opened those 14 years old wounds that she was desperately trying to keep closed. He opened those wounds, the family coming over like this, her breakdown had to happen. And Samar realized he had to do far more repair to the damage than he had imagined.

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