And I lost you...For Ever

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She waited for some news to come back to him, standing outside the door the whole time, not allowing her body a moment's rest.

The families had by now arrived at the hospital with panic assured over their faces, which had literally developed into horror.

Nayan had taken the courtesy to inform everyone of what had happened, and how Aarav and Kairav came to be hospitalised.

"Mrs Kapoor?" The Doctor's voice demanded.

Suhana stepped forward immediately, "Yes Doctor - how is Aarav and Kairav?" She pleaded to be informed.

The Doctor nodded with understanding, "Kairav is safe - for now, but Aarav  is deteriorating fast, his head has severe injuries and is suffering internal bleeding too, and if we don't operate on her fast enough, chances are he may not survive."

Suhana's heart sank, this was not the answer she'd hoped to hear!

How could she let this happen, it was her fault the whole thing, if only she had stopped Aarav from going there in the first place, he would have been fine! Her thoughts were disrupted by the Doctor, who hadn't quite finished with what he'd come to say.

"Mr Kapoor?" He said to gain Suhana p's attention once again.

"Ji Doctor."

"Mrs Kapoor has lost a lot of blood, and for now we are able to keep her condition stable, but we're in need of O Negative blood, if any members of your family's blood belongs to this group then please ask them to donate their blood to your husband Mrs Kapoor without further delay, as our hospital currently have access to a limited amount of this blood type."

"How much blood has my husband lost Doctor?!" Suhana gasped, "and I thought you said that he'"

The Doctor pat his shoulder in comfort, "we're trying our best here, and we'll appreciate if you could do the same. And Mrs, let me inform you that if Aarav loses too much blood at one point before the operation, and if he survives, he may slip into coma, so whatever we are to do, we must hurry" he warned.

"Bhabhi don't worry!" Nayan tried to comfort rushing over to Suhana after the Doctor's leave, "look at me Bhabhi I'm telling you not to worry, I'll find someone with O Negative blood; I promise! You just stay here and lookout for Bhai okay" she said reassuringly.

Suhana's mind was strained with tension, he fell back in defeat onto the uncomfortable plastic chairs kept in the hospital hallway. Her pain was visible, but unbearable. This was all her fault and she knew that!

Hours had passed the night into the morning, at times Kairav was stable, and at times her condition had worsened. She was under constant observation of nurses and doctors, many had rushed in and back out again, but no one had stopped to tell the status of Aarav's progress or if there had even been any at all.

While Aarav fought the battle of life and death behind those doors, all Aarav could remember was all the times he'd considered Suhana as the curse in his life, and even today it was all the same; just opposite.

Instead she'd come to terms that it was not he the curse in her life, but much rather the other way round, she had proved as the curse upon his life.

All she ever dreamt of was him being out of her life, but today when this so-called dream of her was near enough true, she'd realised that his life had breathed itself through her, and today while he was put upon a life support machine for survival, it was Suhana that had been suffocated from her life, she realised that her life under threat had meant that she too was dying with him.

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