Life is Meaningless...

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Those were some best days of her life, may it be few and now she is here all alone away from everyone who meant the world to her just because of that person, the love of her life whom she doesn't desire to see in her life anymore. She says that but deep down she has a flicker of hope to meet him. Yet sometimes she falls deep in thought, why has life played a cruel game with her! She sighed thinking who she was blaming - destiny? The love? Or the man whom she loved from her heart? She didn't know because somewhere she herself is responsible for these conditions in which she is today. It has all happened because of that game! If that ruthless game wouldn't have been started then she wouldn't have been here alone fighting the battle in which she is the loser after everything. And till today she battles against her life everyday.

Nayan feels uncomfortable with thoughts of Aarav surrounding her on her birthday.  She wants to end up this life and now Kairav is her only solace.

Nayan woke up on her 21st birthday with memories of Aarav,her parents and her love. How she wished they all were near her, wishing her, making cake for her and narrate all the best things about her.

Sometimes it's the memories that haunt,and those wounds are never healed..

On the side lamp and checked the time. Seeing that it was already past seven in the evening that is more than three hours since they had come in the room he calmed down a little assuming that she must have gone down in the living room, although the chances seemed very less for in the last week she had almost refused to keep him out of sight but yet he wanted to be hopeful.

So quickly getting up and checking the room one more time in case she was in the washroom or balcony he finally walked out of the room hoping to find her soon and safe for try as hard he couldn't help but remember how many times she had harmed herself and after the conversation he had with her earlier that day he knew she wasn't in the best frame of mind. 

“Minnie…Minnie…” he called out as he made his way towards the living room only to find it empty, frowning he moved towards the kitchen while still calling out for her. “John, have you seen Minnie anywhere?”.

Kairav asked the butler who was busy mixing some ingredients on the stove, while he himself scanned the kitchen and dining area hoping to get some glimpse of Nayan. “No Sir…I last saw her go upstairs with you” Replied John honestly but that just increased Kairav’s worries and so without any further conversation he ran out to check for in the garden only to be left disheartened yet again.

Gulping back his tears he looked around to check for Nayan and rightfully so he did spot her silhouette standing by the beautiful French windows that till date had those tiny fairy lights that Kairav had himself designed and hung. He for once felt relieved to have finally found her but at the same time he couldn't help the anxiety building up within him on seeing her in ‘THAT’ room, he was worried that opening this wound would only end up in her having a panic attack or even worse in her hurting herself.

Keeping all these thoughts in mind and with a heart beat raised ten time more he walked towards her and very gently placed his hand on her shoulder “Minnie…” he called out in the softest tone only to get no response. Coming right beside her he called her out one more time but she stood absolutely still and that's when he noticed the small doll in her hand.

There was so much going on in Nayan’s mind, a part of her just wanted to give up on everything including her own life but Kairav, something about his words, something about his eyes were forcing her to do otherwise. She had a million apprehensions about his suggestion but also couldn't deny that the constricting pain that she felt more often than not was getting rather burdensome for her to bare.

“Please…” her thoughts came to a halt as she heard Kairav whisper and once again felt his fingers slide her tears away, There was something about that moment that she almost unconsciously decided to agree. She had to give this a chance if not for herself then Kairav, for the man who loved her so much that she even forgave him for killing their brother.

Nodding a little she gave him her reply only to be rewarded with his teary dimpled smile “Thank you…Thank you so much for trusting me jaan…Just….Thank you…” he spoke while taking her hands in his and kissing her palms as he felt immense relief wash over his veins because this time he was sure she was herself willing to give this a chance. Not wasting a single moment more he pulled her against his chest and hugged her tight.

Swollen eyes, hair messed up and with a fully wrinkled shirt Kairav stood outside her room watching her sleep due to the effect of the sleep injection given to her, through the small window on the door.

It had been five hours since Minnie was on the drip and also since he had cried his heart out seeing her distant behaviour, somehow Naksh managed to calm him down and assure him that she just needed some time to accept things. But how was he to explain this to his heart, the blank look that her eyes held for him would haunt him for the rest of his life and so even though his mind knew that what was happening was the need of the hour yet his heart felt extremely restless. He remembered how she had begged him to not send her here but he had to, he had absolutely no choice and so he had to ignore her pleas and he knew that hurt her, hurt her beyond words but he did it for her dammit...Only and only for her.

Rukh Jindagee Ne Mod Liya Kaisa

Hamne Socha Nahee Tha Kabhee Aisa

Rukh Jindagee Ne Mod Liya Kaisa

Hamne Socha Nahee Tha Kabhee Aisa

Aata Nahee Yakin, Kya Se Kya Ho Gaya

Kis Tarah Mai Tumase Bewafa Ho Gaya

He saw her shift uncomfortably in her sleep and on a reflex stretched out his hand towards her only to be brought back to reality, the reality where he was standing outside because she did not want him around and that very thought brought a tear to his eye. "I am sorry...I am so so sorry Jaan...Kash ek din tum apne bhai ko maaf Kar pao...Kash he whispered to himself as he wiped the lone tear that slipped of his eye.

Insaaf Kar Do, Mujhe Maaf Kar Do,

Itna Hee Kar Do Karam

Dil De Diya Hai Jaan Tumhe Denge,

Daga Nahee Karenge Sanam

He kept looking at her and couldn't help but once again think about all that had happened in the last few years that unknowingly left such a huge impact on their life...

Beautiful Scars✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant