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     In the past, brotherhoods and white uniforms being friends was never a thing. It was almost taboo. But because of the things that Max was able to do, genuine friendship and brotherhood were formed, not just with Max and the brotherhoods he conquered, but also between the other white uniforms who started respecting the brotherhoods more than just fearing them.

     "I miss them," Max mumbles under his breath, making Keigo, Xander, and Stefan turn to look at him.

     "Miss who?" Keigo asks out loud.

     "Oh, just our friends," Max answers, and the serfs at their long table end up turning to look at him. When Max mentioned his friends, everyone automatically thought of the brotherhoods he conquered. Sometimes, they forget that Max is wearing those brooches for a reason. Those aren't just accessories. They are literally having lunch with a white uniform who successfully brought those brotherhoods together.

     Trusting Max to help them was not baseless at all.

     "Anyway, we should—" Before Max could start his sentence, a low bell started ringing throughout the Dining Hall, interrupting him. In an instant, the loud hall turned silent, and everyone immediately got up from their seats as the large door slowly opened, revealing the strong brotherhoods of the House of Bishops.

      The brotherhoods didn't really enter in any particular order. First, it was the Archers, and then the Gallants, followed by Secret Letter. While the rest of the brotherhoods were walking inside, everyone touched their chest as a sign of respect. Max did the same and stretched his neck a little to get a better view.

     Checkmate entered the hall next, following behind the intimidating Red Tigers. Soon after, the Clan went in, and Max was honestly expecting to find PHD, but the students that followed were no longer brotherhoods but instead were the members of the student council, Saints.

     "Wait, they eat here?" Max asks in shock because the Elites always eat in their office.

      "They honestly just want to flaunt their status," Xander whispers as the Saints walk to a private area in the hall that even has a stanchion placed around the table to separate them from the common white uniforms.

     Obviously, the white uniforms looked at them and touched their chest as a sign of respect. Max couldn't really explain it, but he always felt like there was something off with the Saints. President Justice and Vice President Leviathan were fine, but the rest of them just felt different.

     "What the hell is wrong with your uniform?" An officer suddenly asks when they walk past the Serfs Division. Based on the brooch he's wearing, he's rank 3, better known as the Saints' secretary.

     "You have the nerve to face us, yet your stole isn't properly aligned?" The secretary asks.

     "I apologize, Secretary Perseus!" The serf says, immediately bowing down to show remorse for something that shouldn't be this much of a big deal.


      "Perseus Odair, fourth-year gaffer. He was expected to be the vice president, but President Justice suddenly rose up, so he was pushed back," Xander answers back, and Max's expression instantly changed.

     Perseus was about to raise his hand on the serf, but thankfully, President Justice Thorndyke got in between them on time. "Alright now, you're being too much. I know you like attention, but you gotta cool the fuck down," Justice says as he walks towards the serf. The serf flinched, but then the President reached out and fixed his stole for him, surprising the others.

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