"When the dragon attacked the Mountian and the gold stopped flowing, poverty came in. Food is scarce, the Master is corrupt hoarding every bit of money he can find." Bard then stopped at the gate. "But we do what we can, holding onto hope."

A man came out the gatehouse holding a lantern. He was also dressed in rags. "Halt goods inspection. Oh its you Bard."

"Morning Percy," Bard said stepping onto the dock. He offers his hand to help up onto the dock.

"Who's the new sweetie Bard?" Percy chuckled.

"This is Ira, she's only visiting. You know the children hasn't been the same since Ingrid passed." Bard handed Percy a waybill, to pass inspection.

"Oh yes, welcome Ira. Maybe you can keep Bard on track eh?" He laughed. He scanned the bill. Him and Bard shared a look in why he overlooked the full barrels.

I could tell Percy was a good man. He stamped the papers without a second thought.

"Here we are-" he went to hand it back to Bard but another man took it out of his hands.

"Not so fast," he said to Bard. "If I recall correctly you're licensed as a bargeman, not a fisherman and also if I remember every new person coming into Laketown has to be approved by the Master before they can enter."

"Ira is only here for a short time and on my coin, that's none of the Master's business..." Bard said trying to smooth things over. "...and people need to eat, have a heart Alfrid."

"Wrong," the man I assume is Alfrid said. "It's the Master's business which makes it my business. These fish is illegal, dump them over the side and this girl is coming with me."

I glare at Alfrid but I bite my tounge. He would be begging for forgiveness if he knew who he was talking too.

Bard put his arm out in front of me to stop a guard from taking me into custody. "She is alright here for now."

The barrels is manhandled as Bard tries to reason with them. "Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard, food is scarce..."

"That's not my problem," Alfrid sneered.

I spoke up despite ignoring Bard's warning. I had seen enough of this place, my heart was crying for their situation. "And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake? When the rioting starts - will it be your problem then?"

Alfrid glares at me. "Who are you to tell me what to do about my town girl?"

"I've seen what happens when a ruler is over thrown because he is to busy hoarding gold instead of helping his people. The people has enough and creates muntiy."

My words worked. I am pleased my learned skills of persuasion through the years has gave me the courage to speak my mind.

Alfrid raises his hand. "Stop," he sneered. "Let them through."

The guards back away from the barrels, they are safe for now.

Bard helps me back on board.

I'm glad to be away from that coward of a man acting as if he owned the place.

They allow us in, opening the gate into town.

Alfrid stands at the edge of the gatehouse dock. "Ever the people’s champion, eh, Bard? “Protector of the common folk”. You may have their favour now, Bargeman, but it won’t last. The Master has his eye on you and your strange woman. You would do well to remember - we know where you live."

That was not comforting at all.

Bard shrugs him off. "It's a small town Alfrid, everyone knows where everyone lives."

The Last Dragon TamerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora