33. "All of Their Hope Was.."

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Yoohyeon dashed towards the enemy, trying to kick his weapon away, but the man was too good at defending himself.

He was dodging to the left and right with ease, not attacking the girl, but only giving her taunting pushes on her shoulders. The gruesome man had no plans to fight her back yet. He wanted to know if she was worthy of his time and effort. Yoohyeon hadn't managed to hit him even once.

Not until she could sense the smile he had under that mask. When he took a step back, Yoohyeon found the perfect opportunity and jumped in the air, dropkicking his stomach. All that this attack did was make him stumble back with several steps. If she compared his durability skills with hers, he was on the same level. Maybe higher.

SYM's boss finally made his first attack after that. He surprised the latter by pulling out his pocket knife, stabbing it in her calve. Yoohyeon groaned in pain, taking many steps backwards to pull out the sharp blade while loudly wincing.

"You shouldn't have done that, little princess. Now your leg won't stop bleeding." He pouted under his mask in a taunting way.

"Don't you dare call me that, fucking monster!" Yoohyeon threw the knife towards him, hitting him right in his left arm.

"V-Very ironic coming from Yunseok's kid.." He took out the knife from his shoulder with a low groan, switching his attention back to Yoohyeon. He looked down at his pockets and pressed on a button on his electronic device, making Yoohyeon furrow her eyebrows.

"The hell did you do now.." Yoohyeon gritted her teeth, earning an evil giggle from him.

"This building is going to collapse in two minutes unless you don't give me what I want. Be smart or both you and Kim Minji will di-"

"Sorry to disappoint, but we won't be dying before you."

Yoohyeon turned around in shock, seeing Minji pointing her gun at the man infront of them with a raised eyebrow and a glare of hatred.

"Princess, you're here.." The girl whispered in relief, slightly smiled after seeing the Icebreaker. Minji wrapped her arm around Yoohyeon's waist, flashing her a wink.

"Didn't expect to see me again, huh?" She chuckled, switching her attention back to the man. "You should've used a better tactic than to leave Joanne to fight me. She's as good as gone now." Minji spoke bitterly.

"You defeated Joanne..? Fucking useless bitch, I shouldn't have given her a second chance.." The man scoffed to himself, bringing his hands up in the air. "Alright then, tell me what you two want." The boss spoke with a clear tone of annoyance, making Minji tilt her head in disbelief.

"Your identity. Now." The Icebreaker ordered in a neutral tone, hearing a little chuckle coming from the enemy.

"Do you really wish to know my identity? Well... You'll know it only if you survive this blast."

"What are you-"

"Minji, get down!"


The group of outcasts and Icebreakers that was outside the building flinched, watching how the top floors of the laboratory collided with the lower ones, until there was nothing but dust and pieces of debris everywhere around them.

"G-Guys! Is everyone okay?" Yoobin shouted while running away from the collapsed building, sighing in relief after hearing coughing sounds beside her.

touch of nature * JIYOOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora