24. "Christmas Night"

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Yoohyeon opened the door to the indoor training grounds where the party was located, instantly getting wowed by the view. Many Icebreakers were gathered in groups, dancing and talking to eachother as if the end of the world never happened. It really made Yoohyeon feel the festive aura.

As for Minji, it was her first time not skipping the Christmas party and the amount of detail that was put into everything truly shocked her.

"Did you decorate this all?" Minji asked in shock, getting a happy nod in return by the younger. "You bet I did! I'm surprised it looks this good though, I didn't think they'd manage to find any lights and stereo systems." Yoohyeon shook her head with a smile, glancing at Minji.

"You ready to have fun again?" Yoohyeon said with a smile, making Minji chuckle. "It's the club night all over again, huh?" The Icebreaker walked closer to Yoohyeon, holding onto her arm. "But this time you'll get a better gift than the magnet, I can promise you that." Yoohyeon smiled, walking into the crowds of people to find their friends.

Soon, they saw Minjoon and Bora sitting on a bench and waving at them. Yoohyeon and Minji made their way to the couple, instantly getting clapped at.

"What's with the outfits!? You two look incredible!" Bora shouted because of the loud music, looking at Yoohyeon sit next to her and put her arm over the small woman. "You know I love to party so I had to look amazing for tonight." The younger winked, looking at the two siblings giving eachother teasing looks.

"Are you trying to pull someone tonight with that outfit sis?" The man giggled, getting a teasing punch on his shoulder. "Don't you dare talk about my outfit when you yourself look like a man whore." Minji fired back, earning a laughter from Minjoon. "Whatever you say~ Just don't be surprised when you get stared at by absolutely everyone tonight." Minjoon shook his head, making Minji hum in thought.

"Do you think the fit is too much?" Minji asked, getting a head-shake in return. "It's not too much, but it's just that the Icebreakers haven't seen you attend a party before so I'm sure many would try to hit on you." Minjoon sighed, getting a chuckle in return. "Don't worry about that. I have my guard dog to keep me safe." The woman pointed at Yoohyeon with her head, making Minjoon look at the girl and instantly giggle. Yoohyeon was staring at Minji as if she was the prettiest painting in an art museum.

"You good there?" Bora asked with a teasing laughter, startling Yoohyeon because she was in a trance. "Huh? Oh, I'm good, I'm good. Don't worry." Yoohyeon answered, not keeping her eyes away from Minji. "You'll faint from staring at the poor woman for too long Yooh. Calm yourself down a little." Bora chuckled, making the younger sigh.

"I know that I'm staring a lot, but she looks.. so sexy." Yoohyeon smiled to herself, instantly slapping her own mouth. "You didn't hear that.." The younger pointed at Bora in a threatening way, earning a raised eyebrow in return. "You're very confusing sometimes, kid.." Bora shook her head, then widening her eyes when she took a look around them. She tapped on Yoohyeon's thigh, getting her attention.

"Maybe you should keep a low profile tonight because I can see some Icebreakers staring at you.. not in a very good way." Bora secretly pointed at a few groups of Icebreakers, making Yoohyeon frown because they all were glaring at her. "Right when I thought I'd have the best time of my life.." The girl sighed, resting her head on Bora's shoulder with a pout.

"Why can't they just leave Minji alone and do whatever she wants to with people.. She's an adult.." Yoohyeon sulkily said, earning a soft caress on her hand. "The negatives of being a gorgeous woman amongst a faction in this apocalypse, I guess.." Bora sighed, glancing at the two siblings who were walking over to a table to get some drinks. "I'll go get a drink as well, do you want one?" Bora asked, getting a nod in return.

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