4. "An awaited meeting"

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After that evening, Yoohyeon and Jiu haven't seen nor heard of eachother at all and that seemed to annoy Jiu the most. The magnet was still in possession of Yoohyeon and the Icebreaker was getting really impatient with the whole waiting thing and wanted to steal it by intruding the outcast's base, but she couldn't because of Minjoon's nagging.

"They haven't left that safe-zone in a month now, Joon! I'm sure they won't leave it any time soon so why can't I just go there myself?" Jiu whined at her brother, but he didn't pay attention to her and continued reading his book.

Though, he seemed to have had enough of her constant complaining and finally switched his attention to her and took a sip of his morning coffee.

"Sure Ji, go there. If you want to get yourself killed by them, you're more than free to go." He calmly said, making his sister annoyed because he was right. She flopped back on the bed and groaned in annoyance, wondering what to do. Jiu knew where Yoohyeon was and how to break in her base, but didn't want to do it. She knew better than to destroy the small alliance they made amongst themselves.

How stupid must've Jiu felt to not ask Yoohyeon about the SYM coin on their last meeting? She was so mesmerized by the sunset and kindness by the girl that the most important part hadn't crossed her mind that time. "This is so annoying.." She mumbled to herself, burying her head on Minjoon's pillow.


After a few hours, Minjoon, Jiu and the other generals got called in to visit the headquarters for a meeting. When they made their way there, they were welcomed by their supervisor Hwang and two of his wingmen. Once everyone was here, the proper greeting started and the supervisor ordered the generals to sit down.

"Good afternoon, soldiers. This morning I received a picture from one of our scouts when he was on watch with his team and he sent us me voice message attached to it as well." Hwang said while hovering a message with his finger on a touchscreen TV. How superior must've the Icebreakers felt that they have a working one in such hard times.

He tapped on it, surprising everyone with the picture, mostly Jiu and Minjoon. It was one of the rock where Yoohyeon and Jiu had fought alongside against the Sacred people who attacked them.

Hwang then let the voice message play out loud:

"Scout 19 speaking. We were on a lookout near Zone 7, East area, and I came across a a hidden rock with a SYM logo on it. We managed to forcefully open it, but it had been looted already. There must have been a fight here long ago as well because we found rotting corpses of 'Sacred'. This is all the information I have gathered. Scout 19 out."

The supervisor turned off the television and placed his hands on the table, leaning forward with a dissatisfied look.

"Whoever the intruder was from that one night a month ago, they took hold of the only working SYM access card. I want all of you to find what faction that intruder is from and by any means necessary get the access card, as well as the magnet back to where it belongs - to us." Hwang said while looking at the faces of every soldier infront of him.

He stopped at two generals and pointed at them, earning a salute the moment they stood up.

"General Jiu and General Joon, I hope you two won't mess up with the task this time. I want you both to try harder than before to find the items as soon as possible. And if you do, we will rank you both up to Tier 5 Lieutenants. This goes out for all of you Generals here as well." Hwang spoke, earning an affirming nod from the siblings and other soldiers included.

After more talks about the work in every settlement, the meeting was done and the siblings walked back to Jiu's room, having mixed feelings about everything.

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