3. "Enemies or Allies?"

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"Hello there little kittens, why are you playing hide and seek when it's late? Didn't your mommies teach you not to stay outside when it's dark?" Someone from the Sacred joked, making his faction members giggle.

"Losers.." The Icebreaker sighed to herself, cringing at their choice of jokes. They haven't changed at all for the past 3 years she encountered them. Still the same embarrassing people.

Yoohyeon looked at the woman beside her, waiting for her to shoot first since she had the gun. The latter smirked, looking back at the girl with a mocking smile and a raised eyebrow.

"I thought you said you didn't follow orders. What happened to that? Did you change your mind all of a sudden?" The soldier teased, getting glared at by Yoohyeon in disbelief. "Oh I'm sorry, but you're the one with the darned gun, not me! Of course I'm going to wait for you to do something first and then I'll follow!" The outcast whisper-shouted, scoffing in annoyance.

Their bickering moment got interrupted by another gunshot, making the two a bit cautious and serious now. It would be useless to argue over 'who shoots first' when their lives were at stake.

"One of you little foxes has the SYM thing that our 'friend' wants to destroy. Give it to us and we'll let you go nicely, we promise!" A man shouted, surprising both girls. "Destroy it..?" Yoohyeon widened her eyes at the mention of destruction and got into a kneeling position to shoot with her slingshot.

But then, she felt a hand on the back part of the harness over her shirt, pulling her. She fell backwards on her butt with a little yelp. The female soldier had instantly pulled her back down because she'd reveal their hiding spot.

"Don't act so tough yet, smartass. They are six and we are two. Let's think of something fast before we get slaughtered in seconds." The woman said and surprisingly to Yoohyeon, the Icebreaker wanted to co-operate. "Yes ma'am.." She rolled her eyes, but was pretty relieved.

Yoohyeon now knew that the soldier was smart, since she had tried to examine the terrain first before starting an offensive attack. The military one had managed to locate a boulder and a tree next to it, instantly pointing it out to Yoohyeon.

"I'll shoot first and then you make a run for it behind that rock over there afterwards." The Icebreaker then pointed at Yoohyeon sternly. "Don't get fucking shot!" She ordered in a loud whisper, adjusting herself for the first shot by aiming over the most talkative Sacred's head.

Though, Yoohyeon seemed to be struggling with something.

"Wait, but you're standing on top of my-"


Yoohyeon tried to ask her to wait for a second because her shoelace got stuck under the woman's boot, but it was too late. The first gunshot was fired directly at the most talkative enemy's forehead to shut him up once and for all. That definitely felt good.

Chaos erupted and every Sacred started hiding behind whatever they could find. Whether it was a bench, a tree or even a swing, they were all scattered around.

"Couldn't you have waited a damn second!? Gosh, they were brand new too.." Yoohyeon angrily scoffed because the woman didn't wait. The girl looked down, cutting her own shoelace by taking the woman's knife from the side of her boot. This action took the soldier aback.

"That's my knife!? What the fuck are you doing!" The Icebreaker whispered in frustration, getting scoffed at as a response. The girl then pointed down. "I'm doing that!"

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