18. "Accidental Wrong Move"

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"Do you actually love the gift!?" Yoohyeon leaned closer to the woman with a smile, making Minji chuckle at how adorable the younger looked. "Yes Yoohyeon, I love the gift. Both the roses and the ring." Minji assured the girl for the dozenth time, hugging the younger and resting her head on her shoulder.

They were cuddling on the couch, staying in silence and just enjoying the moments of not being bothered by anything or anyone. And mostly, enjoying being in eachother's warm embraces in this cold winter.

"Pup, do you feel like going on a walk today?" Minji suddenly asked, making Yoohyeon slightly turn her head to look at the older while humming in thought. "Where? To the usual skyscraper?" Yoohyeon asked, getting a head-shake in return. "Somewhere else that I haven't
shown to anyone else before. Do you want to go?" The Icebreaker asked, noticing the slight flush forming on Yoohyeon's cheeks.

"Will I be the first one to go there with you?" Yoohyeon asked happily, pouting when Minji poked her cheeks as a way to tease her. "Don't get so excited now, little one. I haven't shown it to anyone else other than Yoobin, Minjoon and Hayoung." Minji purposefully added their names just to tease her, but truth was that she never had gone there with someone else. And she really wanted to go with Yoohyeon for some reason. It was her comfort place, and Minji wanted to show it to the person who made her feel at ease the most.

"Alright.. I'll go or whatever.." Yoohyeon sulkily said, standing up first to get her jacket and hat. Minji just stared at Yoohyeon visibly struggling to put the hat on, chuckling at her. The woman wore her coat and hat, walking over to the younger to help her out with hers.

"You're literally going to lose your brain somewhere if I'm not there to help you." Minji pulled Yoohyeon's hat lower to tease her, laughing at the grumpy face of the younger.

"Just like how I lost my hand for a moment." Yoohyeon said out of nowhere, widening her eyes because she accidentally revealed what happened last night. She was thankful the older didn't believe her and saw it as a joke.

Minji tilted her head, shaking it out of disbelief and laughing. The Icebreaker looked at Yoohyeon's hand, grabbing it and putting it inside her coat's pocket.

"Then I'll keep your hand safe for you." Minji cheekily smiled, dragging the dazed girl outside the dorm. "You're starting to act more like me! I'm still not used to you being like that." Yoohyeon smiled, pushing herself closer to the woman. "You'll have to get used to it then, because it's honestly very fun to make you flustered all the time." Minji glanced at the younger, giggling to herself because Yoohyeon was indeed flustered again.

"You're so annoying.." The younger said, slightly smiling to herself. Minji chuckled, walking to the staircase of the settlement, until..

"General Jiu!"

Minji turned around in confusion, recognizing that voice. The woman let go of Yoohyeon's hand, instantly saluting at the person who was before her. Yoohyeon looked at Minji in confusion, turning around as well and she immediately widened her eyes, saluting awkwardly.

"Good morning Leader Kang. Do you need me for something?" Minji curiously asked, making the leader chuckle at her and he calmly gestured to the two to drop the honorifics for now.

"It's nothing serious, don't worry. I just wanted to inform you something you.. might like." He said, seeming more anxious than happy. Kang looked at Yoohyeon, smiling at her before looking back at Minji. "I got some news this morning that the bounty on Kim Yoohyeon was completed successfully." The man informed with a little smile, noticing his niece's widened eyes.

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