29. "One More in The Group"

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"What are your plans for today?" Minji asked, circling her finger around Yoohyeon's cheek while resting her head on the girl's shoulder.

Yoohyeon hummed, slightly facing the older one with a pursed grin. She couldn't remember when the last time was that she spent such close proximity during the mornings with Minji. It made her feel excited to share such moments with her again.

"Let me think.. Probably do a short workout or just stretching for a bit, wake the outcasts up for our training, maybe go on a lookout around the main lab, and then.. find some fruits for the kids to eat or look for some clothes." Yoohyeon counted everything on her fingers, turning to look at Minji. She was a little surprised when the woman seemed to be sulky at that answer.

"Really..? So you'll be busy all day?" Minji pouted, poking Yoohyeon's cheek. But out of nowhere, she felt how the younger gently moved her arm to grab on her waist, getting abruptly pulled into an unexpected, but a sweet, quick kiss.

"I can always find free time for you, princess." Yoohyeon smiled in assurance, chuckling at how happy the older was thanks to that claim. Minji then snickered with a sheepish grin, suddenly sitting up on Yoohyeon's thighs.

"Can I train with you and the outcasts? I want to see what you've taught them." Minji asked with anticipation, raising her hands up with a wide smile when Yoohyeon nodded that she was perfectly fine with it.

"Sure thing- Don't underestimate these two sleepyheads though. They're much stronger and faster than they might seem." Yoohyeon pointed at Namhyuk and Jeongyun with her head. Both girls then chuckled at the way how the younger boy was hugging Namhyuk's arm as if he was holding on for dear life.

"Oh really? Faster than you?" Minji asked, getting a cheeky smile in return.

"Nowhere near me. Out of all people, you know how fast I am." The girl stuck her tongue out as a hint, making Minji shake her head. "You're so unbelievable sometimes.." The Icebreaker chuckled, leaning forward and putting her hands above Yoohyeon's shoulders for balance.

"Do you want to train now for a bit? Just us two?" Minji suggested, seeing a smile forming on Yoohyeon's lips. "Like a little training date?" The girl raised her eyebrows in hope, making Minji teasingly snicker and lean a little bit more to kiss the girl's cheek.

"You can call it whatever you want to." Minji whispered with a wink, standing up and leaving the room first.

"A date it is!" Yoohyeon smiled to herself, quickly rushing out the room to catch up with the older woman.


"This is where you guys train?"

Minji entered the underground parking lot, eyeing the zone all while Yoohyeon was walking beside the older.

"Yup! It's not the most convenient spot ever, but no one can find or disturb us here." The girl walked towards a wooden rack of weapons for training, leaving Minji to explore the lot for a bit. The first thing that caught Minji's eyes was the busted pillar in the middle.

"That pillar must've gotten pretty smashed up, huh?" Minji stared at the area surrounding the pillar, noticing all the cement debris and metal pipes on the ground. Just like anyone else, she truly wondered how it must've happened.


Minji then looked back at the girl after hearing her suppress a laughter, tilting her head at that action. "What?"

"I did that." Yoohyeon smiled, taking Minji aback by that claim.

"Y-You did this? How!?" Minji glanced at the younger's knuckles, seeing she didn't have a single scratch on her hands. "I think you forgot that I can turn into an infected whenever I want to." Yoohyeon cracked her knuckles.

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