10. "Memories of The Past"

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Yoohyeon woke up, instantly stretching her arms and yawning. She tried to get up, but something kept her stuck to the bed and didn't let her move. She looked to her side and slightly smiled, seeing a sleeping Minji next to her and hugging her waist.

After their last night's talk, which also lead to their intimate moment together, the two fell asleep in their own embraces. Their relationship had gotten better and they were 'friends' again, but with a little addition that most friends didn't have - intimacy. Minji told Yoohyeon not to do anything of that sort with Joanne now that they were basically friends with benefits. Yoohyeon didn't protest, since she liked the idea of having an exquisite relationship with the woman.

Yoohyeon traveled her hand up to remove a strand of hair on Minji's face, staring at her features. Yoohyeon caught herself smiling at the woman and quickly shook her head, trying to carefully remove the woman's arm, but it lead to no avail as Minji pulled Yoohyeon's body much closer and even hugged her stomach with her leg.

Yoohyeon couldn't help but let Minji do whatever she wanted since the woman looked very adorable in the younger's eyes. If this is what Minji was truly like, she should enjoy it for as much as possible.

Soon, Minji opened her eyes and was surprised when she saw Yoohyeon staring at her with an admiring smile.

"Morning Minji, did you sleep well?" Yoohyeon softly asked, earning a lazy nod from the other. Minji buried her face in Yoohyeon's shoulder, liking the warmth she felt and didn't want to let go. The girl mischievously chuckled, turning her body to lie on top of the woman, making Minji groan with a laughter. What a great way to be woken up was what Minji thought to herself.

Yoohyeon was now the one that buried her face in the older's neck, blowing air to her ear to tease Minji. The Icebreaker giggled at the ticklish feeling, hugging Yoohyeon's body. Suddenly, she widened her eyes when she realized something.

"Wait, did we fuck on my brother's bed..?" Minji asked, making Yoohyeon slowly nod her head. The two sighed in disbelief, knowing that if Minjoon found out they would be as good as dead. Yoohyeon then chuckled, earning Minji's attention.

"I better wash the sheets then.. You didn't stop sq-"

"Shush! We will not talk about what I did last night because you weren't any better!" The older one defended herself.

Both girls couldn't stop laughing afterwards. It was nice that they could joke about it without feeling very embarrassed, but it was true that the sheets had to be washed..

Minji looked at the time, seeing that it was pretty early. The Icebreaker then remembered how she told Yoohyeon they'd do a mission together yesterday, but
totally forgot about it. Minji then tapped on the latter's back to get her attention and she did so. Yoohyeon hummed, slightly turning her head to face Minji's side profile with a little smile.

"Wanna do a mission in a bit since we didn't have the time to do one yesterday? What do you say?" Minji asked, bringing her hand up to cup the younger's cheek and caress it. Yoohyeon hummed in approval, hesitantly looking at Minji's lips. Minji just smiled, giving the girl a long peck on her lips before teasingly pushing her off and sitting up.

Yoohyeon widened her eyes, just now realizing they were still fully undressed. Minji stood up, hearing a slight squeal coming from Yoohyeon. But that squeal turned into a loud gasp of shock as Yoohyeon eyed the woman's body, surprised by the amount of hickeys she had left on her body. Minji tilted her head, looking down and widening her eyes.

"Holy fucking shit.." Minji whispered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. Yoohyeon stood up, moving closer to the woman and pressing her finger on each and every hickey that was on Minji's neck, jaw and collarbone.. down to her chest, stomach, pelvis and thighs... even the woman's back. Both girls were shocked to say the least.

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