21. "Out of The Ordinary"

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On the day when Minji and Yoohyeon returned to the settlement after watching the sunset, they didn't have a proper conversation about the things they felt behind that one kiss..

Nor... did they have had a conversation at all...

Neither Minji nor Yoohyeon mentioned it even once, which started a huge suspicion amongst their close friends that they must've had an argument.

"Okay, tell us honestly now Yooh.. Did you and Minji have some kind of a fight?" Bora asked for the tenth time today, sighing in defeat when Yoohyeon shook her head. "I told you that we didn't fight so many times now- Why do you keep on asking me that same question?" Yoohyeon scratched her elbow while frowning, noticing Bora and Hayoung weren't convinced at all.

"You're not even asking where she is nor what she's doing whenever you see me..- Oh my god, is that because I kissed you!?" Hayoung exclaimed in worry, making Bora widen her eyes. "Wait, you did WHAT??"

"I-It was for the sake of Yoohyeon and Minji's safety, I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Gosh, it's nothing like that, so calm down! We're doing okay.. B-But we're just a bit confused about some things at the moment.." Yoohyeon finally gave them a lead, earning a clap from both. "About time you said something useful! What happened between you two? Like actually?" Bora asked in anticipation, scoffing in defeat of the answer.

It was the answer she had heard from both Yoohyeon and Minji for the millionth time now whenever she asked them..

"Nothing happened, we're just more busy with our work than before."


Bora flopped on her bed, Hayoung following her afterwards.

"It's always the same damn answer.. Always! They don't even have much work to do yet they're using that stupid excuse all the time.." Bora spoke lowly, slowly giving up in trying to figure everything out. "I'm so confused.. It feels like I'm looking at Jiu from a few months ago. Emotionless and silent the whole damn time.." Hayoung sadly said, burying her face in a pillow.

The two women then heard footsteps, earning their attention.

"Maybe they themselves don't even know what's going on. You girls shouldn't pressure them that much, instead, let them figure it out themselves." Yoobin said from the living room, peeking to look at the two women. "It's been days Bin! I understand if they have been like that for a day, but three days!? I didn't even know they could endure being away from eachother for that long!" Bora shouted out of stress, getting the attention of Minjoon who peaked behind Yoobin.

"Yoobin is right with this one, y'know? I know my sister better than anyone and I know for a fact she's going to talk to Yoohyeon soon enough.."

Or so he thought.


"They haven't said a word to eachother at all.."

Minjoon sighed, holding his head in his hands while glancing at the calendar.

"For a whole damn week.." Bora spoke from behind the man, making him turn around and look at her. "What are we going to do now?" Minjoon crossed his arms, getting startled when Bora suddenly clasped her hands together with a gasp.

"Let's set them up!" Bora suggested, making Minjoon hum. "How exactly are we going to do that? We've tried so many things y'know.. Trying to make them feel jealous of the other, ask them constantly about it, try to make them sleep together or just have a simple talk.. Nothing works." The Icebreaker sighed sadly, feeling bad for them.

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