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The enemy before her ready to slash down on her but dropped dead by another crew who saved her in time. Picking her up and running off.

Venus followed as she knew exactly where to go. Watching the woman who saved her hide with her until her uncle showed up. Staying with her for hours as the sky above them grew darker into the night.

She couldn't handle reliving that moment over and over again. Crouching down as she covered her face. "Why are you doing this to me? Just make it stop. Make it go away." She spoke as she sobbed into her hands. Wiping away her tears over and over again. Knowing what was coming next as she got back up.

Watching a dark violet haired male, the leader of the well known crew, the man she missed. Her father. The one who had made numerous enemies while he had sailed the sea. Being under attack by one of them in every nightmare she went through.

"Take her. Take Venus and go as far away you possibly can." The man spoke.

"But Sir. I can't-." The crewmate spoke.

"But nothing. This is an order from your captain. We need her to be out of here. They cannot know of her making it out alive just yet. I cannot keep her safe in this place anymore." Clovis continued. "Brother. I entrust her with her safety and that you will do what's right."

"Sir.." The woman spoke with tears in her eyes.

"Victoria, Erline is waiting for me. We are the last one's. You must hurry and set sail before they find out. We'll stall them as much as we can." Clovis placed a necklace on the girl who was crying most of the night. Placing a kiss to her forehead.

"Brother. Let me fight by your side." Zion spoke.

"What are you talking about?" The seven year old Venus asked groggily. Thinking they were safe.

"I'm sending you away to keep you safe. This necklace will keep you safe and a reminder that you are my heir." Clovis spoke. "My blood and my source for being who I have become."

"What's going on?" Venus asked. "You're coming with us, right? Right dad?"

Clovis felt weak to his knees. His eyes holding more emotions than his features as he looked at her. Tears pricking at his eyes to be released. Bloodied clothes and fresh wound scattered all over him.

Most of the blood not even his. Covered by the blood of a few he managed to kill in time before the attack got too out of control.

"Mom and dad will be staying to clean up a mess." Clovis spoke. His voice cracking at the lie.

"I know you're lying." Venus spoke as she stayed in the Victoria's arms. "I see fire a-and I saw things. Monsters." She pointed behind him.

"You still have a good eye." Clovis spoke as he let out a sad chuckle. "A bit too well.. you shouldn't have to see all this." He mumbled. Taking a moment to himself before placing another kiss to her head as he finally broke down. "I'm going to miss you so much my little Veena. You will always be my little bee.."

"Dad?" Venus asked confused.

"You will be safe. Away from harm." He spoke. "Just remember that your mom and dad love you very much."

A woman came running up to them as she noticed their daughter awake. "It's time." Erline spoke. "I can't hold them back for much longer."

"Mom! Come on. We can all escape o-or I can stay and help fight." Venus called out to her.

Erline walked over with more saddness in her features and tears down her cheeks. "You have to go with her and your uncle. Okay? Promise you'll be good."

"I don't want to go!" Venus yelled as she cried. Her hands reaching out to them.

Erline sobbed quietly before hugging her daughter. She knew it was her last hug with her. "I love you." She spoke. "And I always will. You will grow up and be a very strong young lady. Lady Venus, a young lady who will reach greatness." She sniffed before pulling back. "You will always be the daughter of-." Being caught off as another explosion happened.

"Take her! Now!" Clovis spoke to his brother. "Keep her safe for us.. I trust you brother."

"Yes, brother." Zion mumbled. Giving a small hug.

"It was a pleasure being a part of your crew and family, Sir." Victoria spoke before rushing off and onto a safe boat they had for emergencies.

Venus kicked and hit her arm to be released. "Mom! Dad! Don't leave me! I don't wanna go!" She cried out.

Clovis and Erline stayed behind on the deck. Watching them sail away before turning to the group surrounding them. Holding one another's hand before being ambushed and killed.

Zion had to cover young Venus' mouth to muffle her screams and cries. Being too late to shield her from the gruesome scene she had to witness. Managing to escape as Victoria held the crying girl.

"Why..?" Venus asked. "Why did you leave me alone..? I can't do this alone. I can't forget or let myself live. How can I and you can't?" She asked to the memory of her parents. Her voice shaky with emotion.

The images of her parents contorting into monstrosities before hissing at her. "It's all your fault." They spoke in usion. A raspy voice replacing the warm tone she remembered her parents had. Moving back away from them.

"It's all you. You're the reason we're not here." The raspy voice continued as the two melted into one creature. Taller than her as it charged and tackled her over the dock. Taking her into the body of water behind her.

"Soon you will feel the pain we felt. Feel everything bad when everyone leaves you. Suffocating in the guilt like it should be." The taunting voice continued as it switched back and forth with a male and female raspy voice.

Venus could feel the water as if it was real. Like she was really drowning. Drowning in the feelings she had been having and the guilt that weight her down. Making her feel hopeless that there wasn't any other way out for her as she tried to get to the surface. Glancing up as she saw the silhouette of a familiar swordsman. Her hand reaching out but the creature dragging her further down. Struggling to grab his hand as the air left her lungs.

The silhouette jumped in right after and grabbed her hand before pulling her out of the darkness she was being dragged towards. Heading towards the surface with arms around her keeping her warm. She felt the warmth she had been in search of from the start. Him.

𝑺𝑾𝑶𝑹𝑫 𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑪𝑬 || 𝒛𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒂Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora