Chapter 25

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[Whitlock House]Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself knowing why I've been feel sick since the kings visited

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[Whitlock House]
Taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself knowing why I've been feel sick since the kings visited. I was pregnant. Again. At first I was thrilled, but when reality hit me, this was poorly planned. How the hell do I tell Jasper? I mean, we already have three kids, does he want another? Wiping away my tears, I put on a mask trying to be calm for the girls. Apollo and Artemis were tired after doing their homework so I put them down for a nap and they might sleep through the night. Emily and Rachel were taking turns holding Elliot and Kylie.

Right when Isabitch left, Rachel surprised a visit for Jacob and uncle Billy. But, low and behold, Paul surprised us all by imprinting on her. They really needed to talk, but with him and the pack out keeping an eye out for Victoria, it was safer for her to be here with me. I just hope she takes the whole imprinting thing and Elliot a lot like Kim did with Jared.

"How are you girls doing?" I ask.

"Great. The little ones are sleeping so peacefully." Emily answers.

"Yeah." Rachel answers next, but I could see that she was somewhere else.

"Emily, can you take the babies for a sec? I'm gonna take Rachel outside for a bit." I say.

Nodding, Rachel was pulled from her thoughts when Elliot was taken from her and I took her outside.

"You're all over the place. Wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"It's's hard, Freya. I mean, I knew about the legends just being stories, but it's still scary to find out that vampires are real. And to top it off... Paul had a kid with someone else." Rachel answers nearly sobbing towards the end.

Letting her cry on my shoulder for a few minutes before talking.

"I understand, Rachel. Believe me, I do. But, I think you should talk to Paul about Elliot. Because, if I try to talk to you for him, it might come off biased and I don't want to upset you." I say.

"But, what if he doesn't want me? I know that he's been called a man-whore in school, and what if he doesn't want me the way I want him?" She asks.

"You can only find out if you talk to him. I could tell you all about how he cleaned up his act when he came to me asking for help when he found out about Elliot. How he grew up from being his childish self and learned how to take care of a baby. Believe me, I was a just as shocked as you are right now." I answered in my playful tone which made her laugh.

"You're right, it did." She says. "Maybe I will talk to him."

Smiling, we went back inside and fix some bottles for Kylie and Elliot. Trying our best to stay awake, we managed to watch a few movies before the pack and Jasper came in. What confused me was Paul was angry, more angry than usual. I quickly grabbed Kylie and teleported her to her crib and set her up then teleported back to take Elliot and hand him to Paul. It works since he calms down.

"Dare I ask?" I ask.

"We almost had Victoria. But unfortunately, Paul and Emmett had the same idea and both went for her, but ended up knocking into each other.." Jasper answers.

"Allowing her to get away." I added in, reading between the lines.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask.

"Yes." Jasper answers.

"Good. Because, I need to talk to you and Paul, alone, for a sec." I said.

Giving Rachel a glance, I take Paul and Jasper down to his apartment and closed the door behind me. Sitting them down on the couch, I take a deep breath before facing them.

"Something happened while you two were gone. Nothing bad, but don't get mad." I started, they nod. "When I came downstairs after putting the twins to sleep, I found Emily and Rachel looking panicked. They tell me that Kylie and Elliot woke up from their little nap, and then something glowed on their body. Taking them, I lie saying I was changing them, instead I found out what the glow they were talking about was. It seems Elliot and Kylie...are soulmates."

Their eyes widen in shock, but thankfully not anger.

"I'm sorry. Say that again?" Jasper said.

"From what I'd read from studying with my Dad and Grandmother, goddess/god soulmates have a mark or tattoo, to help protect their bond." I explain.

"Wait, so you have one for Jasper?" Paul asks.

"No. Because my goddess blood wasn't truly activated until I became of age. It's a bit complicated since me and the kids are only half Asgardian." I answer. "But, think about this. Paul will raise Elliot the way he wish he was raised because of his dick father. And we won't have to worry about someone hurting Kylie because her soulmate is going to be only for her, just like an imprint or mate. Fate wants to protect them just like we do."

"At least I won't have to worry about killing any bastards who hurt our little girl. Because, Elliot will be raised by someone who will show him how to treat women right." Jasper says.

"I promise you that." Paul replies.

"So, for now we try to keep them from feeling any pain, just as a precaution. And when they grow up we help them stay as friendly as possible until they are of age and ready to discover what love is. Agreed?" I say. They nod their heads. "Perfect. Now, lets just go to bed, cause knowing the pack they all went home and the only imprint left is Rachel."

Going back upstairs, I let Seth and Leah whisper goodnight to the twins softly so they didn't wake up. They left, thankfully. I didn't need to look after more shifters in my house at this time of night. Taking a peak from the stairs, Paul took Rachel's hand and casually led her down to his apartment. Smiling, I happily went to my bedroom and found Jasper laying in bed waiting for me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, climbing into the bed and snuggle into his arms.

"If you mean by Victoria getting away or how our youngest daughter is already mated to your best friends son. To the first one, yes, I am fine. Just pissed she got away. And two, still trying to wrap my head around it, but I will not do anything to either child." Jasper answers.

Snuggling into his bare chest, he held me close and rubbed my back.

"You don't think anyone will get hurt, do you?" I ask.

"No." Jasper answers. "Cause we won't let that happen."

Closing my eyes, I try to stop my thoughts so I can get some sleep. I just hope things can go back to the way they were before all this happened.

(Edited and proofread)

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