Chapter 10

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[Whitlock House]As I opened my eyes from my pretend sleeping, I gazed at my sleeping mate

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[Whitlock House]
As I opened my eyes from my pretend sleeping, I gazed at my sleeping mate. I never tire of these moments, neither does Major but I don't let Freya know that. Still nervous about the whole introduction moment last time.

Our moment was then interrupted as I hear my phone ring from downstairs. Softly growling, I sneakily flash downstairs to see it's Edward calling.

"What?!" I growl into the phone.

"Look, Jasper, I'm sorry to ruin your morning, but I have to ask. Can Freya please visit with Bella? She misses her sister." Edward says.

"No. I will not ask Freya to do something she doesn't want to do. If she wants to meet with her Pops, then she can when she wants. But I will never force her to do something against her will. Now, it was rude of you to call this early in the freaking morning. Now, why don't you just leave us alone?!" I growled into the phone.

"So, is she with him? I want my sister, Edward." I hear a demanding voice in the background. Isabella.

"Shush." Edward whispers, but I heard.

"I can hear her, you moron. I will never let Freya get hurt by Isabella again. If Freya doesn't want to do something then that is that I will not force her. End of discussion, now goodbye." I slammed the phone onto the table as I didn't hear footsteps behind me.

"Jasper?" I turned my head to see a barely awake Freya rubbing her eyes as she stood on the steps.

"I'm sorry, darling. Did I wake you?" I ask, flashing over to her.

"No. I just felt you weren't with me." She mumbled, but I heard her.

"I'm sorry. Let's go back to bed." I said. Sweeping her off her feet, I walked back upstairs to our bedroom.

"But that call, was it important?" She asks.

"Nope." I answered popping the 'p' as I got us back to the bedroom and laid her back down and got the covers over us.

Yawning, I held my beautiful mate as she snuggled back into my chest and went right back asleep.

It's only been a short time since we found out about our babies, and her tummy is already growing a small bump. Laying my hand on the bump, I smiled as Freya moves her head closer into my chest as she slept.

A couple hours later, I woke Freya up so I could make her breakfast. Smiling at her morning self, I quickly fixed her a Dr. Pepper so she could wake up.

"So, what's on today's agenda?" Freya asks coming back down from the bathroom. I knew she was finishing her morning sickness moment and brushed her teeth before coming down.

"Well, if Alice is right, and she normally is sometimes, then the weather will be perfect enough for our game." I answered, making Freya squeal excited.

His Demon Her Major [J. Whitlock]Where stories live. Discover now