Chapter 5

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[Reservation]When I took off the blindfold, I was stunned to see a beautiful house

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When I took off the blindfold, I was stunned to see a beautiful house.

Jasper held his hand out for me to take. Leading me inside the house, I took everything in. The living room was so spacious, and I loved the chandelier.

"This place is beautiful." I comment.

"I'm glad you like it. Because there's more." Jasper replies as I watched him walk through the kitchen over to me.

We walked upstairs and he showed me the bedroom. I was immediately in love.

"Jasper, this is amazing...but who lives here?" I asked.

"We can. If you want." He answers.

"Wait, what?" I ask, taken back.

"I've been building and designing this house for about two years now. I asked Carlisle for the deed to the land that surrounds the house. It's on the borderline leaning towards the reservation so we have privacy. I made this house so I'd have a place to live... with my mate." Jasper answered.

"You're the mysterious owner of this place that Uncle Billy mentioned." I said, he nodded.

"You made this house just for me?" I said, but it sounded more like a question as I noticed the bathroom.

Going over, I saw it was... exactly like my bathroom.

"What the— this is my bathroom. Did you copy my design?" I ask.

"Actually... it is your bathroom." Jasper answered. I turned my head to see him looking cautiously at me. "When we left for the meet with your uncle and Sam, I had Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Ethan sneak into your house and do your job for you."

"And what job is that?" I ask.

"You wanted to take all of your things with you so Isabella couldn't get them. So they went in and got everything." Jasper answers before opening another door revealing my closet, with many boxes stacked inside. "They carefully packed everything neatly so you could organize and place anything you want. I had them make the bathroom and closet look like your old one. The reason I had them pack everything carefully, is because I want you put some of your things around the house. I want you to feel that this place is also your home. Not just mine."

Just before he could continue to rant cutely, I cupped his face and kissed him. Slowly pulling away, I looked right in his eyes.

"You are the sweetest person I have ever met. You have done so much for me, I will never be able to repay you. But I will try." I said before pecking his lips and then walked around the room.

On the dresser, I saw a beautiful wooden box. Curiously opening it, I was shocked to find my spoon and alien weed containers. But what also shocked me was the new spoons that I've never seen before.

 But what also shocked me was the new spoons that I've never seen before

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His Demon Her Major [J. Whitlock]Where stories live. Discover now